Istituto Superiore per la Protezione
e la Ricerca Ambientale


Technical Documents

The environmental challenge for sustainable finance
Methodologies, information and environmental indicators
Technical Documents   2024
Sustainability Report 2023
The Sustainability Report (SB) is one of the Institute's most recent publications. It stems from the organizational innovation process that ISPRA has been implementing since 2019, in the belief that organizational models also need updating to meet the challenges of sustainability. A tool, the SB, also useful for integration between policies and strategies and for strengthening stakeholder participation. This year it is also in a condensed version and by chapters, with a renewed mode of use.
Technical Documents   2023
Environmental damage actions and procedures: management and outcomes in practice of the Ministry of the Environment and Energy Security and the Italian Institute for Environmental Protection and Research
Technical Documents   2023
Annual report on the automotive fuels quality produced, imported and marketed in 2022
European Union has addressed more and more effectively the problem of air pollution from vehicular traffic . In this context, environmental specifications for petrol and diesel fuels constitute one of the main elements of the measures adopted at community and national level to reduce atmospheric emissions of pollutants linked to the consumption of fuels .
Technical Documents   2023
Annual report on the automotive fuels quality produced, imported and marketed in 2022
European Union has addressed more and more effectively the problem of air pollution from vehicular traffic . In this context, environmental specifications for petrol and diesel fuels constitute one of the main elements of the measures adopted at community and national level to reduce atmospheric emissions of pollutants linked to the consumption of fuels
-   2023
Gender balance ISPRA 2022
In line with both national and international regulatory provisions, ISPRA has included among the Actions envisaged by the Integrated Programming Document for the years 2022/2024 the drafting of the Gender Budget (Bdg), in order to promote equal opportunities and the balance of gender among the staff.
Technical Documents   2022
Annual report on the automotive fuels quality produced, imported and marketed in 2021
Technical Documents   2022
Crimes against wild birds. A thematic focus for an effective law enforcement
The purpose of this document is to contribute towards the implementation of the National Action Plan on Illegal Killing, Taking, and Trade of Wild Birds (IKB). Namely, Action 2.1.2 aims to “promote greater awareness among prosecutors and judges of wildlife crime, with particular reference to the various illegal practices and the repercussions they may have on the state of conservation of the ornithological species involved”. 
Technical Documents   2022
Indications for the safety of disused mining site
Publication by REMI
Technical Documents   2021
ISPRA Sustainability Balance 2021
For the second consecutive year, ISPRA reports on the ways in which it contributes to sustainability, describing the direct impacts that the Institute creates in environmental, economic and social terms but above all highlighting how it supports other public institutions that affect the activities of companies and quality. of citizens' life.
Technical Documents   2021
Annual report on the automotive fuels quality produced, imported and marketed in 2020
Technical Documents   2021
Annual report on the sulfur content of heavy fuel oil, diesel and marine fuels used in 2020
Technical Documents   2021
ISPRA Sustainability Report 2020
Technical Documents   2020
Annual report on sulphur content of heavy fuel oil, gas oil and marine fuels used in Italy 2019
Technical Documents   2020
Annual report on the automotive fuels quality produced, imported and marketed in 2019
Technical Documents   2020
Allocated Zones for Aquaculture (AZA).Technical Guide
Technical Documents   2020
Environmental emergencies at sea: the case of the M/N "Costa Concordia"
An environmental emergency at sea occurs when an event such a spill, accidental or deliberate, determines, in matrices such as biota, sediments, water and atmosphere, conditions that threaten the integrity of the marine ecosystems involved and require urgent response to be tackled. 
Technical Documents   2020
First national census on HFC italian alternative technologies
Aerosol, Air Conditioning, Fire Protection, Foams and Refrigeration sectors
Technical Documents   2019
Annual report on sulphur content of heavy fuel oil, gas oil and marine fuels used in Italy 2018
Technical Documents   2019
Annual report on the automotive fuels quality produced, imported and marketed in 2018
Technical Documents   2019