Istituto Superiore per la Protezione
e la Ricerca Ambientale


Former ISPRA headquarters - Via Curtatone 3, Rome - Exhibition on the first floor

Salone espositivo delle Collezioni Paleontologiche

Exhibition hall of Paleontological Collections

On both sides the windows containing various groups of fossils placed in chronological order.

In the background the monumental staircase that leads to the ground floor.

Detail of the monumental staircase

An evolutionary path is highlighted through 28 enlarged images of finds belonging to various Groups from Cambrian to Quaternary.

Percorso espositivo sul lato sinistro dello scala monumentale

Exhibition path on the left side of the monumental staircase

The showcases show: the fossil tracks, the history of the shell-equipped marine invertebrates;

plio-pleistocenic bivalvia and gasteropods, rudists, ammonites and meso-cenozoic nautiloids;

paleozoic brachiopods; corals and organisms of the Triassic reef; dinosaur's ancestors Lariosaurs and Triassic Osteichthyes.

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Three prestigious pieces belonging to the "Vertebrati Collection" are on display in the showcases.

On the right, skull of Megaceros giganteus Blumenbach, Quaternary, Lazio, N.i. 15692;

in the center, complete skeleton of Cynotherium sardous Studiati, Pleistocene, Cave Dragonara - Sardinia, length of 76 cm, N.i.3181;

on the left, jaw of Hippopotamus amphibius Linnaeus, Upper Pleistocene, Malafede Canal - Rome, N.i. 4449.