Istituto Superiore per la Protezione
e la Ricerca Ambientale



Italian Greenhouse Gas Inventory 1990-2015. National Inventory Report 2017
Reports   261 / 2017
First Italian monitoring of Watch List substances.
Reports   260 / 2017
Framework of regional regulations concerning sea, roles and activities of environmental agencies and critical issues in sea applications
Reports   258 / 2017
Co2 and other GHGs emission factors for power sector
Reports   257 / 2017
Environmental sustainability of the use of pesticides. The Po River basin
Reports   256 / 2017
An economic assessment of marine ecosystems and economic scenario analysis at 2020
Reports   255 / 2017
Air quality plans: analysis of new information for year 2012
Reports   254 / 2016
Monitoring potentially toxic Ostreopsis cf. ovata along the italian coasts. Year 2015: Working Programme ISPRA/ARPA: Ostreopsis cf. ovata blooms along the italian coasts
Reports   253 / 2016
Municipal Waste Report - Edition 2016. Extract
Reports   252 / 2016
Urban Waste Report - edition 2016
Reports   251 / 2016
Legal and Policy Aspects Relevant for the Ships’ Ballast Water Management in the Adriatic Sea Area. BALMAS Project Final Report
Reports   250 / 2016
Survey on Italian organizations that dropped out of EMAS: analysis of motivations and potential measures to re-launch the Scheme
Reports   249 / 2016
Soil Consumption, territorial dimanic and ecosystem services - Edition 2016
Reports   248 / 2016
Report on Non-Municipal Waste 2016 - exctract
Reports   247 / 2016
Report on Non-Municipal Waste - edition 2016
Reports   246 / 2016
Best Practices and environmental indicators in the Italian wine companies EMAS registered
Reports   245 / 2016
EU Ecolabel promotion
Reports   243 / 2016
Maritime transport and environmental management in Italian ports
Reports   242 / 2016
Pesticides in surface and groundwater - Italian monitoring 2012
Synthesis Report
Reports   241 / 2016
Italian Emission Inventory 1990-2014. Informative Inventory Report 2016
Reports   240 / 2016