Istituto Superiore per la Protezione
e la Ricerca Ambientale



Special Waste Report - Edition 2010
Reports   125 / 2010
Special Waste Report - Edition 2010 - Abstract
Reports   125 / 2010
National Inventory of road transport emissions and provincial data breakdown
Reports   124 / 2010
Indoor pollution : general aspects and case-study in Italy
Proceedings   117 / 2010
Ecological networks in the ordinary planning.
Reports   116 / 2010
Assessment of noise exposure of the population: state of the art, critical analysis, operational proposals
Reports   115 / 2010
Study for the biomass fuels and waste biomass for energy production
Reports   111 / 2010
Climate change and health: problems and design proposals for an environmental adaptation strategy
Reports   110 / 2010
Study for the design and realization of transparent
Reports   109 / 2010
Synergies between the Water Framework Directive and the "Habitats" Directives and "Birds" for the protection of aquatic ecosystems with particular reference to protected areas, Natura 2000 sites and Ramsar Zone. Aspects related to Planning
Reports   107 / 2010
Map of Nature of Veneto, 1:50.000 scale
Reports   106 / 2010
The realization in Italy of the Corine Land Cover 2006 Project in Italy
Reports   2010
Technical and economic analysis of the integrated management of municipal waste
Reports   N. 103 / 2009
Strategies to reduce emissions of oxides of nitrogen(NOx): 2010 sectorial cost curves analysis and policy instruments
Reports   N. 102 / 2009
Report on critical issues relating to environmental electromagnetic fields
Reports   N. 101 / 2009
Restoration of the marine-coastal ecosystems and sandy coast defense in the Protected Areas
Reports   N. 100 / 2009
Italian Emission Inventory 1990-2007. Informative Inventory Report 2009
Reports   99 / 2009
Italian Greenhouse Gas Inventory 1990-2007. National Inventory Report 2009
Reports   98 / 2009
Global deforestation and forest degradation: extent, causes and effects
Reports   97 / 2009
Maritime traffic and environmental management in the most important national port areas
Reports   95 / 2009