Italian TV channels take a keen interest in the Interreg Med Plastic Busters MPAs project
During the quarantine and while travel restrictions were imposed, Italian viewers had the chance to travel across the Mediterranean Sea alongside the Plastic ...
Located in
Year 2020
Italy-China collaboration in research and innovation applied to marine sciences
During meetings that took place from 6 to 10 March in China, ISPRA, the University of Pisa and the A. Dohrn Zoological Station gave new impetus to their ...
Located in
IX Edition of the Study Days: "Research and Application of Ecotoxicological Methodologies"
Ecotoxicology as a management tool for aquatic and terrestrial environments. Research, control by environmental Agencies, the world of private business
Located in
Year 2020
Jelly. Systems and tools for locating jellyfishs and predicting their displacement towards the coast
In the last decade the presence of jellyfish in the Mediterranean Sea is rising causing impacts on the marine environment and on human activities. In order to ...
Located in
Year 2022
Kick off meeting progetto PNRR "Tech4You"
The Kick off meeting of the PNRR "Tech4You" project will be held on 27 September at the University of Calabria. As part of the project, ISPRA participates as ...
Located in
Year 2022
Kick-off meeting of the projet LIFE-2021-SAP-NAT-NATURE TURTLENEST
The Kick-off meeting of the LIFE-2021-SAP-NAT-NATURE TURTLENEST project will be held on January 20 in Rome, at the Legambiente headquarters. The aim of the ...
Located in
Year 2023
Kick-off meeting TREASURE project
The launch meeting of the TREASURE project - Testing novel environmental quality measures in and around Euro-MED ports - aimed at improving environmental ...
Located in
Launch Event: AQuaBioS - The sea farm: for organic and sustainable aquaculture
The launch event of AQuaBioS, the sea farm: for organic and sustainable aquaculture (INTERREG ITALIA – FRANCE MARITTIMO 2021 – 2027) will be held on Thursday ...
Located in
Ispra events
Launched the project interreg ADRIACLIM to develop monitoring tools and adapting strategies to contrast climate change in the Adriatic area
The project AdriaCLim "Tools of information, monitoring and climate change for the adapting strategies in the Adriatic coast areas is funded by the ...
Located in
Year 2020
Let's recover the nets lost at sea!!
The Strong Sea project and its staff thank the fishermen for their contribution in reporting missing fishing gear. We are happy to meet them on 11 February in ...
Located in
Year 2023