Istituto Superiore per la Protezione
e la Ricerca Ambientale


Events and News

Presentation of the "Environment Report SNPA" - edition 2023
Presentation of the "Environment Report SNPA" - edition 2023
Feb 21, 2024 09:30 AM — Feb 21, 2024 12:30 PM Rome, Sala Polifunzionale della Presidenza del Consiglio dei Ministri, Via di Santa Maria in Via, 37b

The Report, now in its fourth edition, offers a detailed overview of the state of our environment based on objective, reliable and comparable information, with 21 environmental indicators that allow us to evaluate the achievement of the numerous set objectives and to effectively address future environmental challenges . The second part of the document highlights the commitment and work of ISPRA and the ARPA/APPA, through a focus on best practices for the fight against climate change, to support the circular economy, to contribute to the process of sustainable finance, to protect our health and our planet and to raise awareness and inform the community.


Spot Environment Report  SNPA

Environment Report SNPA - Edition 2023

Long-term analysis of microseism during extreme weather events: Medicanes and common storms in the Mediterranean Sea
Long-term analysis of microseism during extreme weather events: Medicanes and common storms in the Mediterranean Sea
Feb 15, 2024

Study meteorological-marine phenomena with seismology tools in order to obtain a better understanding of extreme events also resulting from climate change.
This is the objective of the research Long-term analysis of microseism during extreme weather events: Medicanes and common storms in the Mediterranean Sea, just published in the prestigious journal 'Science of the Total Environment'.

Strengthen resilience against heavy rains and floods
Strengthen resilience against heavy rains and floods
Feb 08, 2024 03:00 PM — Feb 08, 2024 07:00 PM Bioparco of Rome

The first appointment of the public consultation of the Climate Adaptation Strategy of Rome Capital will take place on 8 February.
At the Bioparco of Rome, one of the four priorities identified to secure the city from increasingly frequent and intense impacts will be analized.

Copernicus Atmosphere Monitoring Service Project - Environmental Monitoring and Protection at a National Level
Copernicus Atmosphere Monitoring Service Project - Environmental Monitoring and Protection at a National Level
Feb 08, 2024

The project represents a milestone in the field of atmospheric monitoring in Italy, as it promotes development actions based on real user needs, encouraging specific communication and information activities. Launched with the signing of the agreement between the European Center for Medium-Range Weather Forecasts (ECMWF) and ISPRA on 14 December 2022, the initiative aims to improve the performance of existing national models based on the products of the Copernicus Atmosphere Monitoring Service (Copernicus Atmosphere Monitoring Service – CAMS) provided by ECMWF Thanks to CAMS, it is possible to monitor in real time and predict the presence of pollutants in the atmosphere, thus helping to ensure a better understanding of the environment around us and to make informed decisions for our health and well-being.

The National Plan for Adaptation to Climate Change (PNACC) approved
The National Plan for Adaptation to Climate Change (PNACC) approved
Feb 07, 2024

The National Plan for Adaptation to Climate Change (PNACC) was definitively approved in December 2023 to implement the National Strategy for Adaptation to Climate Change (SNAC). In addition to the Plan and its annexes, the data packages used for its definition by the CMCC (Euro-Mediterranean Center on Climate Change) are available on the National Platform for Adaptation to Climate Change. In particular, it is possible to download indicators relating to the climate for the reference period and future scenarios for land and marine areas.
The documentation (n.162 Documents) of the Strategic Environmental Assessment (SEA) procedure to which the PNACC was subjected for its definitive approval is also available.

Presentation of Roma Capitale's climate adaptation strategy
Presentation of Roma Capitale's climate adaptation strategy
Jan 23, 2024 10:00 AM — Jan 23, 2024 01:00 PM Rome, Sala della Protomoteca, Piazza del Campidoglio

At the conference on 23 January, the proposal for the first Climate Adaptation Strategy of Rome Capital will be presented - with the climate scenarios and territorial risks, intervention priorities, objectives and measures - and will be the start of the process of discussion and public consultation on the document.

Concluded the  COP28 in Dubai
Concluded the COP28 in Dubai
Dec 14, 2023

The United Nations Climate Conference in Dubai (COP28) closed on Wednesday 13 December with an agreement approved in the plenary session, with the aim of maintaining the commitment to limit the increase in global temperature to within 1.5 °C.

The new administration portal of the Italian Registry for Emissions Trading (ARIET) is online
The new administration portal of the Italian Registry for Emissions Trading (ARIET) is online
Dec 01, 2023

The new website for the administration of the Italian Registry for Emissions Trading, named ARIET, is online. The website allows you to stay updated on issues relating to Emission Trading, consult materials for operating in the Registry, and communicate with the National Administrator through a simple and intuitive ticketing system.

Friuli Venezia Giulia in the changing climate: events, evidence, measures
Friuli Venezia Giulia in the changing climate: events, evidence, measures
Dec 01, 2023 09:00 AM — Dec 01, 2023 01:00 PM

The climate is constantly changing: in the world, in Italy and also in Friuli Venezia Giulia. For this reason it is important to compare different territories from a climatic point of view, analyzing the extreme events that characterized this 2023. A comparative reading of the phenomena, to understand the causes, the strengths and weaknesses of the individual territories, but also to analyze the actions implemented to address a changing climate, from the global level to Friuli Venezia Giulia.

Launch of the ASviS position paper on the national plan for adaptation to climate change and urban settlements
Launch of the ASviS position paper on the national plan for adaptation to climate change and urban settlements
Nov 30, 2023 02:30 PM — Nov 30, 2023 05:00 PM University Roma Tre

“Urban settlements in the National Plan for Adaptation to Climate Change” is the title of the new Position paper, created by the Working Group on Goal 11 “Sustainable Cities and Communities” of the Italian Alliance for Sustainable Development (ASviS), which will be presented on November 30th at 2.30pm at the Roma Tre University to draw attention to the Pnacc and, in particular, to the sector relating to urban settlements.

The italian soil and the climate crisis
The italian soil and the climate crisis
Nov 30, 2023 09:15 AM — Nov 30, 2023 01:15 PM Rome, Palazzo Rospigliosi

The report "The Health of Italian soil in the time of the climate crisis" is the first attempt to bring together, in a single publication, the photograph of the impact of the main forms of degradation on Italian soils and highlight which are the most exposed territories, presenting at the same time the proposals developed by the experts

COP 28 - UN Climate Change Conference
COP 28 - UN Climate Change Conference
Nov 30, 2023 — Dec 12, 2023 Dubai (UAE)

The UAE will host COP28 in Dubai from 30 November to 12 December 2023, bringing together leaders from governments, civil society, industry and finance at a key moment to gauge the world's progress on the Agreement for the first time Paris.

The need to find concrete answers to the effects of climate change is increasingly evident and pressing. Several authoritative institutes at a global level are increasingly underlining the urgency of implementing stronger policies than those adopted to date to keep the rise in global temperature within 1.5°C.

Climate change, energy transition: ISPRA/RENAEL memorandum of understanding signed
Climate change, energy transition: ISPRA/RENAEL memorandum of understanding signed
Nov 28, 2023 — Nov 28, 2023

The President of ISPRA and SNPA, Prefect Stefano Laporta and the President of the National Network of Local Energy Agencies (RENAEL), Eng. Piergabriele Andreoli, have signed a memorandum of understanding, lasting three years, to strengthen their respective activities on the issues of mitigation and adaptation to climate change. The protocol provides, among other lines of activity, information and awareness-raising on sustainable mobility, energy transition, urban regeneration, environment and health and the dissemination of data and information on the priorities defined in the local plans for sustainable energy and climate .

Green General States
Green General States
Nov 24, 2023 09:30 AM — Nov 24, 2023 05:30 PM Rome, Sala della Protomoteca del Campidoglio

The "Green General States" are an opportunity for discussion and study to take stock of the state of Rome's green heritage, on the interventions implemented and on the future prospects of its evaluation and regeneration within the framework of the environmental challenges that await the city.

Cities and climate challenge
Cities and climate challenge
Nov 17, 2023 10:00 AM — Nov 17, 2023 01:00 PM Webinar

The Bioarchitecture and Sustainability Week returns from 13 to 17 November 2023. The exhibition, now in its 20th edition, will have as its theme “Lands of water and energy. Sharing resources to combat the climate crisis”. On 17 November, an ISPRA researcher will participate in the webinar "Cities and climate change" with the speech "What can cities do to adapt to the changing climate?".

Second conference on climate impacts
Second conference on climate impacts
Nov 14, 2023 10:00 AM — Nov 14, 2023 01:00 PM Florence, Palazzo Vecchio

The second edition of the Euro-Mediterranean Conference “Mare Climaticum Nostrum” is the event during which the updated map of current and expected climate risks in the Mediterranean area and in Italy will be presented, together with the results of the UN Conference on Water of 2023.
The conference will present studies and research on the impacts of climate change and natural risks, with urban systems, water, natural ecosystems, agriculture and production sectors, energy, relief and emergency management monitoring, prediction and prevention technologies. There will be an in-depth analysis of the short, medium and long-term climate projections in the various territories, their causes and local consequences with the reports of the Euro-Mediterranean Center on Climate Change-IPCC UN and UNESCO.

Methane emissions in Italy's climate policies
Methane emissions in Italy's climate policies
Nov 14, 2023 10:00 AM — Nov 14, 2023 01:00 PM MASE/Online event

The Roundtable for the reduction of methane emissions from the natural gas supply chain organizes an event dedicated to the topic of methane emissions in Italy's energy-climate policies at the Ministry of the Environment and Energy Security.

Climate change and coastal erosion: in Italy 54 coastal municipalities have high erosion rates
Climate change and coastal erosion: in Italy 54 coastal municipalities have high erosion rates
Nov 13, 2023

ISPRA publishes the current state of the national coastline at municipal level with updated data

Among the 644 Italian coastal municipalities, those with high erosion rates have been identified by ISPRA; there are 54 who to date have seen their stretch of coast retreat by more than 50% of the entire stretch of competence; there are 22 municipalities with an overshoot of between 50% and 60% of the coast; there are 16 between 60% and 70%, 8 between 70% and 80% and 7 between 80% and 90%. Rotondella in Basilicata appears to be the only municipality characterized by widespread erosion over the entire coastal stretch. If the number of municipalities appears limited, compared to a total number of 644 coastal municipalities, it should be considered that the percentages reported concern the entire coast of each municipality, also occupied by stretches that are not beaches and which therefore cannot undergo erosion , such as the stretches of rocky coast, the river mouths and all the anthropic works. Furthermore, the percentages do not show a "natural" trend of coastal dynamics, but downstream of all the coastal defense works and nourishment carried out.

Press release (ita)

Twenty-first session of the Committee to Review the Implementation of the Convention
Twenty-first session of the Committee to Review the Implementation of the Convention
Nov 13, 2023 — Nov 17, 2023 Samarkand

CRIC 21, the twenty-first session of the Committee for Review of the Implementation of the Convention, subsidiary body of the United Nations Convention to Combat Desertification (UNCCD), will take place from 13 to 17 November in Samarkand (Uzbekistan). The event will be attended by delegations from 197 countries that have signed the Convention, including Italy which has been a signatory to the UNCCD since 1994, as well as representatives of the private sector and civil society.

Review of the Eighth National Communication (NC8) and the Fifth Biennial Report (BR5) under the United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change
Review of the Eighth National Communication (NC8) and the Fifth Biennial Report (BR5) under the United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change
Oct 23, 2023 — Oct 27, 2023 Rome

From 23 to 27 October, the in-country review of the eighth National Communication (NC8) and the fifth Biennial Report (BR5) transmitted by Italy to the Secretariat of the United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change ( UNFCCC) in December 2022, in compliance with climate commitments.

The Italian System in the ecological and energy transition of the territories
The Italian System in the ecological and energy transition of the territories
Oct 12, 2023 09:00 AM — Oct 12, 2023 01:00 PM Streaming live

The fight against climate change and the mitigation of its effects will be the great challenges of the century. To date, the Euro-Mediterranean area is among the most exposed to damage resulting from Planet Fever: extreme meteorological phenomena, drought, desertification are just some of the examples before everyone's eyes. Among the anthropic activities that release greater quantities of greenhouse gases are those resulting from the use of fossil fuels. As regards Europe, it is estimated, for example, that energy processes caused 78% of the EU's total emissions in 2015. The types of energy sources and consumption therefore have an enormous impact on the climate.

Festival Planet Earth
Festival Planet Earth
Oct 05, 2023 — Oct 08, 2023 Lucca

From 5 to 8 October the Pianeta Terra Festival returns to Lucca, a multidisciplinary event in which we will talk about ecosystems, climate, new economic models, energy, agriculture, food, urban development, but also new political visions , social, philosophical, anthropological, artistic.

The ecological transition of water. Knowledge, quality, integration
The ecological transition of water. Knowledge, quality, integration
Oct 04, 2023 09:00 AM — Oct 04, 2023 01:00 PM

To face the increasingly constant water crisis that Italy has been experiencing for several years now, we need a strategy for the ecological transition of water, which makes the water footprint increasingly sustainable in all sectors and which puts water at center of adaptation to the climate crisis. From drought to floods, from the protection of ecosystems to anthropic uses, water management passes through a single vision that guarantees the achievement of global objectives.

What flows beneath our feet? Rome's groundwater in the context of a changing climate
What flows beneath our feet? Rome's groundwater in the context of a changing climate
Sep 28, 2023 09:30 AM — Sep 28, 2023 04:30 PM Rome, Palazzo Valentini

The water supply of the city of Rome comes mainly from springs located several kilometers from the city center, in Apennines or volcanic areas. However, significant water resources are stored underground in the largest municipality in Italy. These resources, the groundwater, are contained in real natural underground reservoirs, the aquifers, which in the Roman area can be of a volcanic and alluvial nature, in some cases even overlapping, which create a rather complex underground water circulation.

RemTech Expo 2023
RemTech Expo 2023
Sep 20, 2023 — Sep 22, 2023 Ferrara

From 20 to 22 September in Ferrara the XVII Edition of RemTech Expo will be held, the Environmental Technological Hub specialized in the themes of recovery, regeneration and sustainable development of territories. Also this year ISPRA will participate in numerous meetings.

Record heat and drought in 2022
Record heat and drought in 2022
Jul 20, 2023

Italy's climate in SNPA report. Peak temperature anomaly in June (+3.09°C) and lowest rainfall levels (-22%) since 1961

The "Climate in Italy in 2022" report, published by ISPRA annually since 2006, becomes a SNPA product this year.
Thanks to the involvement of the National System for Environmental Protection, it is enriched with insights on climate also at regional and local scales, as well as on the most relevant hydro-meteo-climatic and meteo-marine aspects of the year under review.

The year 2022 was the least rainy year since 1961, marking -22% below the 1991-2020 climatological average, with precipitation below normal (-39%) from January to July. The anomalies were most pronounced in the North (-33%), followed by the Center (-15%) and the South and Islands (-13%)

Water, a common front against the climate crisis
Water, a common front against the climate crisis
Jul 14, 2023 — Jul 15, 2023 Parma

In Parma on 14 and 15 July 2023 two days of study and discussion on the water resource and its delicate environmental, economic and social balance.

The centrality that the water resource is increasingly assuming in the environmental, economic and social balances requires a reflection on the part of the institutions and stakeholders on the sustainable management of the water resource. May's flood events in Emilia-Romagna teach us.

For these reasons, the Po River Basin District Authority has decided to organize, with the support of the Globe Italia National Climate Association, two study days on the subject, to formulate a series of concrete proposals, based on solid scientific foundations.

Climate national conference
Climate national conference
Jul 05, 2023 10:00 AM — Jul 05, 2023 01:00 PM Rome, Auditorium del Museo Ara Pacis/Online

Floods and droughts. What strategies to face the climate crisis?

After the floods that devastated Emilia Romagna and the prolonged droughts that increasingly affect different areas of the country, it is necessary to become aware of the close link between these phenomena and to share innovative strategies and solutions, to increase resilience of territories and cities. In the 4th edition of the Conference, together with experts, representatives of the business world and institutions, possible proposals, existing technologies and possible innovations will be addressed.

Change the climate. Change the sea
Change the climate. Change the sea
Jun 30, 2023 07:00 PM — Jun 30, 2023 08:00 PM Isola d'Elba, Marciana Marina

The Sea Essence International Festival is held on the Island of Elba from 30 June to 2 July, the first international festival dedicated to the protection and enhancement of the sea.

The three-day activities will focus on the initiatives to be undertaken to achieve full sustainability for the marine ecosystem, bringing together the environment, economy and society.
On Friday 30 June, the ISPRA Director General, Maria Siclari, will participate in the conference "Change the climate Change the sea". The central themes of the meeting are pollution and the overexploitation of the seas and oceans which cause an increasing number of problems, such as the danger for the diversity of species, the acidification of the seas and the increase in plastic waste. .

Final conference LIFE project Desert-Adapt
Final conference LIFE project Desert-Adapt
Jun 23, 2023 10:00 AM — Jun 23, 2023 12:30 PM Online event

On 23 June the European partners will meet at the final conference of the LIFE Desert-Adapt project. With a group of invited experts, the risk of soil desertification and the pilot strategies that have been implemented to achieve land degradation neutrality will be analysed.

The round table will be an opportunity to debate on the initiatives tested in the LIFE Desert-Adapt project and on their potential to respond to the climate crisis through regenerative agricultural, ecological, economic and social practices.