Istituto Superiore per la Protezione
e la Ricerca Ambientale


Events and News

Second conference on climate impacts
Second conference on climate impacts
Nov 14, 2023 10:00 AM — Nov 14, 2023 01:00 PM Florence, Palazzo Vecchio

The second edition of the Euro-Mediterranean Conference “Mare Climaticum Nostrum” is the event during which the updated map of current and expected climate risks in the Mediterranean area and in Italy will be presented, together with the results of the UN Conference on Water of 2023.
The conference will present studies and research on the impacts of climate change and natural risks, with urban systems, water, natural ecosystems, agriculture and production sectors, energy, relief and emergency management monitoring, prediction and prevention technologies. There will be an in-depth analysis of the short, medium and long-term climate projections in the various territories, their causes and local consequences with the reports of the Euro-Mediterranean Center on Climate Change-IPCC UN and UNESCO.

Metabarcoding of environmental DNA (eDNA) for the detection of non-indigenous species in the context of Marine Strategy Framework Directive monitoring programs
Metabarcoding of environmental DNA (eDNA) for the detection of non-indigenous species in the context of Marine Strategy Framework Directive monitoring programs
Nov 09, 2023 10:30 AM — Nov 09, 2023 12:30 PM Online event

As part of the three-year agreement 2021-2023 between the Ministry of the Environment and Energy Security, ISPRA and ARPA Lead partner for the implementation of Legislative Decree 190/2010 which transposes the European Framework Directive on Marine Strategy (Directive 2008/56 /EC), ISPRA in collaboration with the CoNISMa-UO Polytechnic University of Marche, the Edmund Mach Foundation and the ARPA has developed an environmental DNA metabarcoding protocol for the detection of non-indigenous species and the analysis of biodiversity, such as integrative and support tool for the traditional monitoring already foreseen for the Marine Strategy.
The adopted protocol allowed the investigation of a wide spectrum of taxonomic groups, from Chromista to Chordata. The results obtained will be presented and discussed during the Workshop, highlighting the critical issues and potential of the methodology, as well as the prospects for their future use.

The movement and reuse of sediments in inland waters, coastal marine waters and lagoons: towards circular management
The movement and reuse of sediments in inland waters, coastal marine waters and lagoons: towards circular management
Oct 26, 2023 09:00 AM — Oct 26, 2023 12:30 PM Fiera di Genova, Padiglione Blu, Stand ISPRA

The event aims to explore the topic of sediment management in different environmental contexts, from a technical-scientific and regulatory perspective, bringing together subjects involved in different capacities and in the interest of municipal administrators. Despite the heterogeneity of data and the intrinsic complexity of sediments and other materials (e.g. plant residues), their management can be made simpler through versatile and easily accessible processing tools.

The Workshop is designed as an open working table, with spaces for the presentation of problems by various experts and for the identification of operational paths.




Avvio Lavori
Fulvio Onorati, ISPRA

I principi del Masterplan della Costa Toscana e la gestione dei sedimenti per la valorizzazione delle coste
Marco Masi, Regione Toscana

Regolamento sabbie da opere di scavo – utilizzo per ripascimenti costieri
Marta Novello, ARPA Veneto

Ruolo e gestione delle fanerogame marine spiaggiate
Luisa Nicoletti, ISPRA

Sedimenti o suolo?
Maurizio Guerra, ISPRA

Dragaggi dei porti e opere infrastrutturali
Annunziata Attolico, AdSP Mar Adriatico Meridionale

Circolarità matrici solide
Luigi Righini, Federazione Nazionale degli Ordini dei Chimici e dei Fisici

Verso un nuovo Allegato tecnico al DM173 – focus sul ripascimento delle spiagge
David Pellegrini, ISPRA

Decreto 12 ottobre 2022, n. 205 “Regolamento recante criteri per la redazione del progetto di gestione degli INVASI di cui all’articolo 114, commi 2, 3 e 4 del D. Lgs 152/06”
Nicoletta Calace, ISPRA

L’approccio WoE applicato alla gestione dei sediment in ambiente lagunare: Il caso della Laguna di Venezia
Maurizio Ferla, ISPRA

The transition towards sustainable and "circular" management of beached seagrass and plastics in coastal and island territories
The transition towards sustainable and "circular" management of beached seagrass and plastics in coastal and island territories
Oct 24, 2023 10:00 AM — Oct 24, 2023 01:00 PM Favignana and online

During the event, the results of the MED Dé.Co.U.Plages project will be presented, of which ISPRA is a partner, co-financed by the ENI Program of Territorial Cooperation Italy - Tunisia 2014-2020. The event aims to illustrate and compare management methods and good practices, starting from the results achieved with the project, tracing development prospects in the Mediterranean and international context.

ISPRA participates in the 40th Anci annual assembly
ISPRA participates in the 40th Anci annual assembly
Oct 24, 2023 — Oct 26, 2023 Genoa

From 24 to 26 October, in the Blue Pavilion of the Genoa Fair, the annual Assembly of the ANCI returns, now in its fortieth edition. The title chosen this year is “Three colors on the heart. Mayors unite Italy." The inaugural day on Tuesday 24th will take place in the presence of the President of the Republic Sergio Mattarella.
Mayors, institutions and the business world will meet to discuss current and future challenges.

Networking protects the sea. Life Sea.Net project
Networking protects the sea. Life Sea.Net project
Oct 11, 2023 — Oct 11, 2023 Massa Lubrense (NA)

The objective of this event, carried out within the initiatives envisaged by the LIFE Sea.Net project, is to connect the protection experiences implemented by the managers of marine areas and protected marine sites, create synergies between the various entities that deal with the use and valorisation of the sea in protected areas with the final objective of creating a network to effectively protect the sea. During the workshop, in particular, the activities of the European Life Sea.Net project will be presented, coordinated by Legambiente and co-financed by the EU LIFE Programme, which aims to spread knowledge of Natura 2000 marine sites and improve their management.

The citizen allied with science! Between alien species and marine litter
The citizen allied with science! Between alien species and marine litter
Sep 29, 2023 06:30 PM — Sep 29, 2023 11:55 PM Campus Università - Viale delle Scienze, Palermo

Do you want to become a scientist citizen and support scientific research?
Alien species and marine debris are among the main "intruders" of the underwater world. Researchers have been studying them for some time, also with the aim of mitigating their impacts, but their widespread diffusion in the marine environment and the difficulty of constant monitoring make their job very difficult. Fortunately, in recent years, volunteer observers have also come to the aid of researchers, with citizen science (participation of citizens in research activities)

Extreme storm surges and climate change. How do we measure waves?
Extreme storm surges and climate change. How do we measure waves?
Sep 29, 2023 06:30 PM — Sep 29, 2023 11:55 PM Campus Università - Viale delle Scienze, Palermo

How to measure waves and storm surges?
Waves are formed thanks to the winds that blow over the seas, transferring part of their energy to the surface of the water. The wave motion propagates for hundreds of kilometers with effects on a fairly deep water column. When the waves approach the coast, the seabed becomes shallower, friction increases, the water column decreases and the energy makes the wave steeper until it breaks.
How are the instruments managed by ISPRA that "observe the sea" made?
So how can we adapt to the ongoing climate change?

The Mareographic Network of the Venice Lagoon
The Mareographic Network of the Venice Lagoon
Sep 29, 2023 04:00 PM — Sep 29, 2023 09:00 PM Venice, Calle larga dell'Ascension San Marco, 1265

Six hours up, six hours down

On the occasion of the European Night of Researchers it will be possible to visit the ISPRA headquarters in Venice. Researchers will meet adults and children curious to discover the functioning of the natural engine of the city of Venice and its lagoon: the MAREA.

The knowledge acquired over the years on the phenomenon will be illustrated through an overview of both the constant MONITORING activity in the field and the development and operational application of MODELS for forecasting the tide level. Above all, it will be a moment to have a useful chat about such an important phenomenon for Venice and the other lagoon islands.

Down to the river - The Italian monitoring of floating macro litter at the mouth of rivers, in the context of the Marine Strategy Framework Directive
Down to the river - The Italian monitoring of floating macro litter at the mouth of rivers, in the context of the Marine Strategy Framework Directive
Sep 28, 2023 10:00 AM — Sep 28, 2023 12:00 PM Rome, sede ISPRA, sala Conferenze, Via V. Brancati, 48

Preliminary investigation on the inputs of marine litter from rivers to the sea

As part of the agreement between the Ministry of the Environment and Energy Security (MASE) and ISPRA, an investigation on riverine floating macro litter (>2.5 cm) in stations close to the sea was carried out. The project undertook the monitoring of 12 rivers flowing in the three sub-regions (Western Mediterranean Sea, Adriatic Sea, Ionian Sea and Central Mediterranean), defined by the Marine Strategy. Systematics visual surveys and GPS trackers were used to assess inputs from rivers to sea.

Results and information based on one-year preliminary survey, will be presented in Rome on 28 September 2023 as part of the Communication activities of the mentioned agreement.

Marine strategy. The monitoring of the Italian seas
Marine strategy. The monitoring of the Italian seas
Sep 25, 2023 09:30 AM — Sep 25, 2023 01:00 PM Palermo, Palazzo Steri

On 25 September in Palermo the results of some activities relating to the second cycle of monitoring of the marine environment conducted in all Italian seas will be presented in accordance with the Framework Directive on Marine Strategy 2008/56/EC. The activities are financed by MASE and implemented by SNPA in collaboration with Italian universities and research institutions. The Marine Strategy Directive is the environmental pillar of the Union's maritime policy, aimed at achieving "good environmental status" for all marine waters of the EU Member States.

Strong Sea Life and the SeaWatcher APP land in Stintino
Strong Sea Life and the SeaWatcher APP land in Stintino
Sep 21, 2023 — Sep 24, 2023 Stintino - P.le del Circolo Nautico Torres

Strong Sea Life - Survey and TReatment ON Ghost nets - and the SeaWatcher App will be present at the next round of the "17th National Latin Sailing Championship", organized by the Circolo Nautico Torres which will take place in Stintino from 21st to 24th September. Strong Sea and the SeaWatcher App are part of the large project within the LIFE programme, the aim of which is the development of a European environmental policy,

RemTech Expo 2023
RemTech Expo 2023
Sep 20, 2023 — Sep 22, 2023 Ferrara

From 20 to 22 September in Ferrara the XVII Edition of RemTech Expo will be held, the Environmental Technological Hub specialized in the themes of recovery, regeneration and sustainable development of territories. Also this year ISPRA will participate in numerous meetings.

Fourth edition of the "Summer school of geomorphology, ecology and biology in the marine and insular environment"
Fourth edition of the "Summer school of geomorphology, ecology and biology in the marine and insular environment"
Sep 19, 2023

The fourth edition of the "Summer school of geomorphology, ecology and biology in the marine and insular environment" which was held in Favignana from 11 to 16 September, ended with great success. The initiative is organized annually by the ISPRA in collaboration with the University of Chieti-Pescara and Sapienza, University of Rome.

Summer school of Geomorphology, Ecology and Biology in the marine and island environment
Summer school of Geomorphology, Ecology and Biology in the marine and island environment
Sep 11, 2023 — Sep 16, 2023 Favignana

The fourth edition of the "Summer School of Geomorphology, Ecology and Biology in the marine and insular environment", organized by ISPRA will take place in Favignana (Egadi Islands) from 11 September 2023 and will last 6 days in which frontal lessons will alternate with practical activities.
The school has the patronage of the Marine Protected Area "Egadi Islands", the Institute of Environmental Geology and Geoengineering of the CNR, the Municipality of Favignana and the Regional Agency for the Protection of the Environment (ARPA Sicily).

The risks of the Adriatic. How to save the coasts and beaches that we love
The risks of the Adriatic. How to save the coasts and beaches that we love
Sep 01, 2023 05:30 PM Ancona, Mole Vanvitelliana

The Adriatic Mediterranean Festival will take place from 30 August to 3 September, an event that explores the wealth of creative and cultural expressions of the sea, between Europe, Africa and the Middle East. The day of 1 September includes the meeting "The risks of the Adriatic. How to save the coasts and beaches we love", which will see the participation of an ISPRA expert.

Venice - Sea level exceeds 110 cm for the first time in summer
Venice - Sea level exceeds 110 cm for the first time in summer
Aug 29, 2023

On the evening of yesterday 28 August, the sea level exceeded for the first time in the middle of summer the level of +110 cm on the Tide Mark of Punta della Salute (ZMPS) in the Gulf of Venice, a threshold beyond which there would be significant flooding of the City of Venice, avoided, in this case, by the entry into operation of the MoSE system

Conclusion of the monitoring campaign on microplastics
Conclusion of the monitoring campaign on microplastics
Aug 24, 2023

ISPRA is pleased to announce the conclusion of the monitoring campaign on microplastics, financed by the Ministry of the Environment and conducted by the Institute.
The monitoring covered the period 2021-2023, focusing on the eastern and northern coasts of Sicily in the last campaign that has just ended.
ISPRA researchers have acquired key data during this campaign, creating the basis for an in-depth analysis of the presence of microplastics in Italian seas. Attention shifts to the ISPRA laboratories, where the collected samples will be carefully analysed, helping to create a clear understanding of the presence of microplastics in marine waters.

Documentary "Plastic Busters MPAs"
Documentary "Plastic Busters MPAs"
Aug 08, 2023

The project, coordinated by ISPRA, was funded by the European Community Cooperation INTERREG MED. For the first time on a Mediterranean scale, EU countries and candidate states have joined forces to tackle the problem of marine litter +. The consequences generated on the marine environment and on the health of its fauna have been studied in some protected areas. The objective of "Plastic Busters MPAs" was to define, through specific memoranda of understanding, a "Governance Plan" of the marine protected areas involved so as to extend it to all marine protected areas of the Mediterranean.

Signed the agreement for the joint Sino-Italian laboratory of Functional Biology of Marine Biota between Zhejiang Ocean University and ISPRA
Signed the agreement for the joint Sino-Italian laboratory of Functional Biology of Marine Biota between Zhejiang Ocean University and ISPRA
Aug 02, 2023

The laboratories were set up at the respective locations of the Zhejiang Ocean University (ZJOU) Haida South Road campus, Lincheng Changzhi Island, Zhoushan, Zhejiang, and at the ISPRA headquarters in Livorno, as part of the Experimental Section for Ecological Risk Assessment in marine-coastal areas of the National Center for environmental characterization and protection of the coastal strip, marine climatology and operational oceanography

Sea turtle nests, 2023 is the record year
Sea turtle nests, 2023 is the record year
Aug 02, 2023

 There are currently 293 loggerhead sea turtle (Caretta caretta) nests found and secured along Italian beaches: it is the all-time record and a number destined to increase in the coming weeks. Volunteers from Legambiente and other organizations, engaged in nest monitoring and surveillance activities as part of the European LIFE Turtlenest project, continue to report day by day traces of mother turtle ascent on Italian beaches.

LIFE Conceptu Maris: photo contest edition 2023
LIFE Conceptu Maris: photo contest edition 2023
Aug 02, 2023

Until midnight on 24 September 2023, those who photograph the beauty of the Mediterranean can participate in the second edition of the “Profondo blu. Whales, dolphins and turtles in the open sea”related to LIFE Conceptu Maris.

"Beware of those 4!" Citizen science campaign promoted by IRBIM CNR and ISPRA for the sighting of alien species in the Mediterranean
"Beware of those 4!" Citizen science campaign promoted by IRBIM CNR and ISPRA for the sighting of alien species in the Mediterranean
Aug 01, 2023

In the video, the latest sighting, along the Calabrian coasts, of the Scorpion Fish which has very long and thin venomous spines on its dorsal, anal and pelvic fins.
ISPRA and CNR-IRBIM recall the campaign Watch out for those 4! The two institutes, in collaboration with the Alien Fish project, collect reports as envisaged by the "Beware of those 4" campaign.


Approved the Convention between ISPRA - Civil Protection Department for SiAM
Approved the Convention between ISPRA - Civil Protection Department for SiAM
Aug 01, 2023

The Convention signed between ISPRA and the Civil Protection Department for a collaborative relationship in institutional activities aimed at the development of knowledge and methodologies useful for the functioning of the National Alert System for Tsunami Generated by Earthquake (SiAM) 

Documentary "Pescatori di Reti"
Documentary "Pescatori di Reti"
Jul 27, 2023

In the documentary "Pescatori di Reti", produced by ISPRA, all the activities carried out by the partners during the project  are described.  The main objective of the project is to remove marine litter, with particular attention to ghost nets, i.e. lost or entangled nets or parts of them, identified in two pilot areas: in the Marine Protected Area of ​​the Asinara Park and in the Gulf of Asinara and Capo Carbonara Marine Protected Area in Sardegna

Comics "Twenty thousand nets under the sea"
Comics "Twenty thousand nets under the sea"
Jul 25, 2023

The sea is progressively becoming a deposit of marine waste.

The cartoon "Twenty thousand networks under the seas" deals with the issue of marine litter, focusing attention on the impact that waste has on marine organisms and ecosystems, and illustrating some positive actions carried out thanks to the collaboration between several subjects, in particular researchers and fishermen.

"20,000 Nets Under the Sea" (2D, 3D version for 3D version requires 3D glasses)

Signed agreement between the Italian Navy and ISPRA for the protection and monitoring of the seas
Signed agreement between the Italian Navy and ISPRA for the protection and monitoring of the seas
Jul 25, 2023 — Jul 25, 2023

The signing of the implementing agreement between the Navy and ISPRA was held today in the morning. The agreement was signed by the Chief of Staff of the Navy, team admiral Enrico Credendino, and the Director General of ISPRA, Dr. Maria Siclari.

The agreement formalises the collaboration between the two institutes, in projects, research and studies concerning the knowledge and protection of the marine environment, also in the context of the National Military Research Plan, the exchange of oceanographic data relating to activities of common interest and professional updating.

In underlining the importance of this agreement, the Director General of ISPRA declared: "The agreement on the broad and complex theme of monitoring and assessing submarine noise represents a fundamental element in the context of the fruitful collaboration between ISPRA and the Navy, which is articulated on several levels from the PNRR to the implementation of Community directives, Marine Strategy in primis".

web site Italian Navy

Sea urchins more sensitive to metal toxicity as a consequence of the past two decades
Sea urchins more sensitive to metal toxicity as a consequence of the past two decades
Jul 19, 2023

The ISPRA research group based in Livorno, in collaboration with a researcher from the University of Nottingham, has published the results of a twenty-year laboratory activity conducted using sea urchins in Marine Pollution Bulletin. Data have shown as the climate change and ocean acidification, which is already taking place in the Mediterranean Sea, have caused a reduction in the tolerance of a natural population of sea urchins to copper toxicity. This conclusion supports the need to reevaluate the knowledge we have today about environmental contaminants in the context of future changes in the environment.

Ma.Ro.Ma. Project: the relevant activities within the Capo Rizzuto Marine Protected Area carried out by ISPRA
Ma.Ro.Ma. Project: the relevant activities within the Capo Rizzuto Marine Protected Area carried out by ISPRA
Jul 14, 2023

ISPRA is conducting significant activities within the Capo Rizzuto Marine Protected Area through the use of UAS "Unmanned Aerial Vehicle" systems, drones equipped with multispectral cameras and very high resolution RGB.
The surveys are carried out thanks to the scientific collaboration between ISPRA and the managing body of the Capo Rizzuto Marine Protected Area, as part of the Ma.Ro.Ma. Project. Marine Robotic Mapping.

The Mediterranean Sea is one of the areas in the world where seabirds are most at risk of ingesting plastic
The Mediterranean Sea is one of the areas in the world where seabirds are most at risk of ingesting plastic
Jul 09, 2023

Published in Nature Communications a study on the exposure of seabirds to plastic pollution in the seas, carried out by more than 200 scholars from all over the world, including three ISPRA researchers.
The movements of more than 7,000 individuals belonging to 77 seabird species were analyzed in relation to the concentration of plastic in the sea.
The results of the study identified the Mediterranean Sea, the Black Sea and circular sea currents as the areas most at risk of plastic ingestion for birds.

Read the study