Istituto Superiore per la Protezione
e la Ricerca Ambientale



The ROV or Remotely Operated Vehicle is a wire-guided underwater vehicle operated remotely, with a cable of variable length from hundreds to thousands of meters that connects it to a command post. Over the years, the potential of applying this technology has also become increasingly evident in the environmental field, to study marine habitats and organisms in their natural environment. Since 2006, ISPRA has been using the ROV in marine research activities on the oceanographic vessel Astrea.

ISPRA has several ROVs:

  • PERSEUS, able to reach 1000 meters of depth
  • Pollux
  • (Minirov blue, ed.)


What is a ROV?
Where is the ISPRA Rov guided from?
How is changed the marine research with the support of ROV?
Is the ROV invasive?