Environmental education
The environmental education project "Mare Nostrum: let's discover the Mediterranean Sea together", is aimed at primary schools and is part of the "ISPRA Program of environmental education and sustainability initiatives". It recounts some aspects of research in the Mediterranean by illustrating research vessels, the first global marine research expedition and bringing examples of instruments used for research at sea, with in-depth analysis on the use of a wire-guided vehicle (ROV: Remotely Operated Vehicle) for study of deep corals. In the laboratory the students have the chance to build their small Rov of paper.
The book "Let’s go down to the bottom of the sea – Travelling with a submarine robot" is the story of Pollux, a submarine robot (ROV), who tells firsthand some of the explorations made on the beautiful seabed of our Mediterranean Sea.
The comics "Ventimila reti sotto i mari " ,tells how, through explorations with the ROV, researchers discover seabeds where there are numerous abandoned fishing gear, a serious threat to marine ecosystems.