Istituto Superiore per la Protezione
e la Ricerca Ambientale



ISPRA and the National System for Environmental Protection wish good work to Minister Sergio Costa

The President of ISPRA and SNPA Stefano Laporta, the DG Alessandro Bratti, the Vice President SNPA Luca Marchesi, together with the Directors of the Regional and Provincial Agencies for the Protection of the Environment, the Board of Directors, the Scientific Council, in the name of the whole Institute and of the colleagues of the System, welcome the new Minister of the Environment, Land and Sea Sergio Costa. A special greeting to the new minister also because is a representative of the institutions that has always been committed to protect environment and fighting environmental crimes. A special greeting because to the new minister also because is a representative of the institutions that has always been committed to protect environment and fighting environmental crimes. Sergio Costa was born in Naples in 1959, a graduate in Agricultural Sciences, with a master's degree in Environmental Law. He was Regional Commander of the State Forestry Corps - Campania, currently is Brigadier General of the Carabinieri. A long experience in the fight against clans and eco-mafia and has revealed the existence of the Land of Fires in Campania and the landfill of waste in the territory of the Vesuvio National Park.

World Environment Day - Sea turtles full of plastics

The loggerhead sea turtle (Caretta caretta) as an environmental indicator to monitor the quantity and dynamics of plastics distribution in the Mediterranean. Plastic represent more than 80% of the waste found in the sea and on the beaches. What are the marine impacts of these quantities and how do they threaten the balance of species in their ecosystems? The European INDICIT project provides an answer to these questions starting from the study of sea turtles in the Mediterranean. The wide geographical distribution of the species, their presence in different habitats and the characteristic of ingesting marine litter make Caretta caretta a good indicator to assess the impact of plastics on marine fauna.

Memorandum signed between Ispra and the Ministry of Economic Development

Strengthen the institutional collaboration between the two bodies to improve the safety at sea, mining and energy activities also from an environmental point of view. This is the objective of the agreement signed today, at the Ministry's headquarters, by Stefano Laporta, president of ISPRA, and Franco Terlizzese, General Director for the safety of MISE's mining and energy activities. The agreement includes a series of initiatives that will focus on strengthening the cooperation for offshore safety, planning and sharing of inspection, verification and control projects, both for liquid effluent analysis and for emissions verification of hydrocarbons in the atmosphere. The two institutions will collaborate in the research field activities closely linked to environmental monitoring, as well as studies and research to mitigate environmental impacts and increasing sustainability in mining activities, promoting initiatives for the recovery of geo-mineral heritage.

The National System for Environmental Protection SNPA participates in the Neiflex program

From 5 to 9 June 2018 will be provided exercise and special edition of the non-risk campaign (in the Veneto and Friuli Venezia Giulia Regions). Neiflex - North Eastern Italy Flood Exercise - is a European project co-funded by the European Commission and dedicated to the hydraulic risk management. The Program highlights the need to contrast the significant growth of natural disasters, which are increasingly frequent and with consequences that require complex management, even in the long term. The exercise has as its object the management and response to a hypothetical scenario characterized by a strong vulnerability.