Istituto Superiore per la Protezione
e la Ricerca Ambientale



First phase:

  • Survey campaigns on the R/V Astrea by means of a multibeam echosounder and a Remotely Operated Vehicle (ROV) to characterize the biodiversity of the two study areas, describing benthic assemblages, identifying habitats of conservation importance and protected species, and assessing the number, type and density of marine litter and its impact on the benthic assemblages

  • collection of skin biopsies from marine mammals to evaluate possible toxicological effects related to floating litter

  • collection of excreta, blood, and biopsies from Caretta Caretta sea turtles hosted in the recovery centers of Cala della Reale, in the Asinara National Park, and CNR-IAMC in Oristano, to determine the presence and potential toxic effects of litter ingestion.


Second phase:

  • Removal of litter, mainly ALDFG or parts of them, previously identified and geolocated. Removal will take place both through ad hoc campaigns and on board the fishing boats with the contribution of fishermen.


Third phase:

  • Management of the collected material

  • start-up of the recycling and valorization process of the polyethylene litter collected

  • drafting of an operational guide on how to store the litter collected from fishing boats and how to deliver it to equipped areas

  • dissemination activities.