Istituto Superiore per la Protezione
e la Ricerca Ambientale


Handbooks and guidelines

Common Fungi: Characteristics, Sophistications and Toxicological Aspects
Collection of 70 more articles published on AK-Informa. Volume 2
Handbooks and guidelines   188 / 2019
The Mycological Flora of the main Italian plant essences
The historical contribution of the ISPRA Center of Excellence at the GMEM-AMB to the habitat management plans of community interest.
Handbooks and guidelines   187 / 2019
Indication for the accreditation of the acute toxicity test with Daphnia Magna
Handbooks and guidelines   186 / 2019
Contribution to the knowledge of historical mycological diversity in Italy. Collection of fact sheets of the lyophilized mycological components of the Acri Museum
Collection of fact sheets of the lyophilized mycological components of the Acri Museum. Volume 2
Handbooks and guidelines   185 / 2018
Contribution to the knowledge of historical mycological diversity in Italy. Collection of fact sheets of the lyophilized mycological components of the Acri Museum.
Collection of fact sheets of the lyophilized mycological components of the Acri Museum. Volume 1
Handbooks and guidelines   184 / 2018
Correlation among mycological components of Calabria and EUNIS and Natura 2000 habitat classification systems - First correlation of fungal species of natural forests
Handbooks and guidelines   180 / 2018
Correlation among mycological components of Calabria and EUNIS and Natura 2000 habitat classification systems - First correlation of fungal species of reforestation
Handbooks and guidelines   179 / 2018
Environmental aspects of relict sand dredging for beach nourishment: a monitoring protocol for dredging area
Handbooks and guidelines   172 / 2018
Multiple use of forests. Sustainable production of fibers, fabrics and natural dyes in Argentina
Handbooks and guidelines   171 / 2018
Mathematical modelling in the assessment of physical effects induced by sediment handling in marine-coastal areas
Handbooks and guidelines   169 / 2017
“Fish Fauna” Biological quality Element classification manual for Italian coastal lagoons
Handbooks and guidelines   168 / 2017
Contribution to the knowledge of chemical elements determined in fungi
Collection of historic sheet publisehd on the magazine " Il Fungo". From Macrolepiota procera (Scop.: Fr) Singer to Hirneola auricula-judae (L.: Fr) Berkeley
Handbooks and guidelines   167 / 2017
Contribution to the knowledge of chemical elements determined in fungi
Collection of the historical series on the magazine "Il Fungo". From Cortinuarius praestans (Cordier) Gillet to Russula cyanoxantha (Schaeff) Fr.
Handbooks and guidelines   166 / 2017
Contribution to the knowledge of chemical elements determined in fungi
Collection of the historical series on the magazine "Il Fungo" . From  Volvariella gloiocephala (DC.) Boekout & Enderle to Boletus erythropus Pers.
Handbooks and guidelines   165 / 2017
Contribution to the knowledge of chemical elements determined in fungi
Collection of the historical series on the magazine "Il Fungo". From Russula vesca Fr. to Lyophyllum decastes Fr. Singer
-   162 / 2017
Guidelines for the identification of any significant and sustained upward trends in pollutant concentrations and for the definition of the starting point for trend reversal in groundwater
-   161 / 2017
Authoritative power and control power in public administration. General profiles for environmental protection
Handbooks and guidelines   160 / 2017
The new Italian index of the ecological state of the fish communities (NISECI)
Handbooks and guidelines   159 / 2017
Common Fungi: Characteristics, Sophistications and Toxicological Aspects
Handbooks and guidelines   158 / 2017
Guidelines for the determination of the natural background values of the groundwater bodies
Handbooks and guidelines   155 / 2017