Istituto Superiore per la Protezione
e la Ricerca Ambientale



Italian Greenhouse Gas Inventory 1990-2012. National Inventory Report 2014
Reports   198 / 2014
Survey to control the radioactivity in the environment in the zones around the nuclear power plant of Garigliano
Reports   197 / 2014
Impacts of short rotation forestry plantations on environment and landscape in Mediterranean basin
Reports   196 / 2014
Soil consumption in Italy - Edition 2014
Reports   195 / 2014
Species and habitats of Community interest in Italy: distribution, conservation status and trends
Reports   194 / 2014
Report on Special Waste- edition 2014
Reports   193 / 2014
Survey on the implementation of EMAS in the Italian clusters. II part. Analysis of stakeholders involvement
Reports   192 / 2014
Transportation: European and national instruments for the improvement of air quality
Reports   191 / 2014
Gamma network: automatic network of radiological monitoring of the environment for the purpose of early warning and control of radioactive fallout. 2012 Edition
Reports   190 / 2014
The production of electric power from renewable energy plants in Italy
Reports   189 / 2013
Monitoring and surveillance of Ostreopsis ovata along Italian costs. Year 2012
Reports   188 / 2013
EMAS and perfomance indicators in the sector of production of energy from renewable sources
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Reports   187 / 2013
Gamma network : automatic network of environmental radioactive monitoring. Edition 2011
Reports   186 / 2013
Exemption from the obligation to apply limit values for nitrogen dioxide (NO2)
Reports   185 / 2013
The Good Laboratory Practice (GLP): an application model and the comparison with the UNI EN ISO/IEC 17025:2005
Reports   184 / 2013
Structural diversity of forests in Lazio
Reports   183 / 2013
Analysis of the resources of the Agency System in relation to the implementation of the Reach Regulation
Reports   182 / 2013
Mapping of major-accident hazards in Italy - 2013 Edition
Reports   181 / 2013
Quality Assurance/Quality Control Plan for the Italian Emission Inventory. Year 2013
Reports   180 / 2013
National Greenhouse Gas Inventory System in Italy. Year 2013
Reports   179 / 2013