Istituto Superiore per la Protezione
e la Ricerca Ambientale



Articoli/report pubblicati da personale ISPRA negli ultimi 5-10 anni

Bellini S. D. Rutili, V. Guberti, 2016. Preventive measures aimed at minimizing the risk of African swine fever virus spread in pig farming system. Acta Veterinaria Scandinava: 58-82. DOI 10.1186/s13028-016-0264-x.

Capello K., Mulatti P., Comin A., Gagliazzo L., Guberti V., Citterio C., De Benedictis P., Lorenzetto M., Costanzi C., Vio P., Zambotto P., Ferri G., Mutinelli F., Bonfanti L., Marangon S. Impact of emergency oral rabies vaccination of foxes in northeastern Italy. 28 December 2009 – 20

January 2010: preliminary evaluation. Euro Surveillance, 2010 Jul 15 (28).

Castrucci MR, Facchini M, Di Mario G, Garulli B, Sciaraffia E, Meola M, Fabiani C, De Marco MA, Cordioli P, Siccardi A, Kawaoka Y, Donatelli I. Modified vaccinia virus Ankara expressing the hemagglutinin of pandemic (H1N1) 2009 virus induces cross-protective immunity against Eurasian 'avian-like' H1N1 swine viruses in mice. Influenza Other Respir Viruses. 2014 May;8(3):367-75. doi: 10.1111/irv.12221.

Chenais, E., Depner, K., Guberti, V., Dietze, K., Viltrop, A., & Ståhl, K. (2019). Epidemiological considerations on African swine fever in Europe 2014–2018. Porcine health management5(1), 6.

Chenais, E., Ståhl, K., Guberti, V., & Depner, K. (2018). Identification of wild boar–habitat epidemiologic cycle in African swine fever epizootic. Emerging infectious diseases24(4), 810.

De La Rocque S., Belenghien T., Halos L., Dietze K., Claes P., Ferrari G., Guberti V., Slingenbergh J., A review of trends in the distribution of vector-borne diseases: is International trade contributing to their spread? Rev. Sci. Tech. 2011 Apr; 30(1):119-130.

De Marco M.A., 2014 – Ecologia ambientale dei virus influenzali aviari. Un approccio innovative allo studio della persistenza virale in ecosistemi naturali e antropici della Siberia. Ideambiente, (n. 2-giugno/luglio/agosto): 31-33.

De Marco M.A., Guberti V., 2021 – Biodiversità e salute. In: De Maio F, De Maio E. (Eds.) ISPRA per la Salute. Quaderni – Ambiente e Società 24/21. ISBN 978-88-448-1065-8, (pp. 1-117): 60-72

De Marco M.A., Sharshov K., Gulyaeva M., Delogu M., Ciccarese L., Castrucci M.R., Shestopalov A., 2016 - Ecology of avian influenza viruses in Siberia. In: Siberia: Ecology, Diversity and Environmental Impact. Nova Science Publishers, Inc., Hauppauge NY: 83-160. ISBN: 978-1-63485-414-6.

De Marco MA, Delogu M, Facchini M, Di Trani L, Boni A, Cotti C, Graziosi G, Venturini D, Regazzi D, Ravaioli V, Marzadori F, Frasnelli M, Castrucci MR, Raffini E. Serologic Evidence of Occupational Exposure to Avian Influenza Viruses at the Wildfowl/Poultry/Human Interface. Microorganisms. 2021 Oct 15;9(10):2153. doi: 10.3390/microorganisms9102153.

De Marco MA, Delogu M, Sivay M, Sharshov K, Yurlov A, Cotti C, Shestopalov A. Virological evaluation of avian influenza virus persistence in natural and anthropic ecosystems of Western Siberia (Novosibirsk Region, summer 2012). PLoS One. 2014 Jun 27;9(6):e100859. doi: 10.1371/journal.pone.0100859.

De Marco MA, Porru S, Cordioli P, Cesana BM, Moreno A, Calzoletti L, Bonfanti L, Boni A, Di Carlo AS, Arici C, Carta A, Castrucci MR, Donatelli I, Tomao P, Peri VM, Di Trani L, Vonesch N. Evidence of cross-reactive immunity to 2009 pandemic influenza A virus in workers seropositive to swine H1N1 influenza viruses circulating in Italy. PLoS One. 2013;8(2):e57576. doi: 10.1371/journal.pone.0057576.

De Marco MA, Valentini A, Foni E, Savarese MC, Cotti C, Chiapponi C, Raffini E, Donatelli I, Delogu M. Is there a relation between genetic or social groups of mallard ducks and the circulation of low pathogenic avian influenza viruses? Vet Microbiol. 2014 Jun 4;170(3-4):418-24. doi: 10.1016/j.vetmic.2014.03.001

De Sabato L, Di Bartolo I, De Marco MA, Moreno A, Lelli D, Cotti C, Delogu M, Vaccari G. Can Coronaviruses Steal Genes from the Host as Evidenced in Western European Hedgehogs by EriCoV Genetic Characterization? Viruses. 2020 Dec 20;12(12):1471. doi: 10.3390/v12121471.

Delogu M, Cotti C, Lelli D, Sozzi E, Trogu T, Lavazza A, Garuti G, Castrucci MR, Vaccari G, De Marco MA, Moreno A. Eco-Virological Preliminary Study of Potentially Emerging Pathogens in Hedgehogs (Erinaceus europaeus) Recovered at a Wildlife Treatment and Rehabilitation Center in Northern Italy. Animals (Basel). 2020 Mar 1;10(3):407. doi: 10.3390/ani10030407.

Delogu M, Cotti C, Vaccari G, Raffini E, Frasnelli M, Nicoloso S, Biacchessi V, Boni A, Foni E, Castrucci MR, De Marco MA. Serologic and Virologic Evidence of Influenza A Viruses in Wild Boars ( Sus scrofa) from Two Different Locations in Italy. J Wildl Dis. 2019 Jan;55(1):158-163. doi: 10.7589/2017-11-285.

Delogu M, Ghetti G, Gugiatti A, Cotti C, Piredda I, Frasnelli M, De Marco MA. Virological investigation of avian influenza virus on postglacial species of phasianidae and tetraonidae in the italian alps. ISRN Vet Sci. 2013 Sep 17;2013:601732. doi: 10.1155/2013/601732.

Delogu M, Piredda I, Pintore A, Cabras P, Cotti C, Ghetti G, Raffini E, De Marco MA. Avian influenza and animal health risk: conservation of endemic threatened wild birds in Sardinia Island. Avian Dis. 2012 Dec;56(4 Suppl):1034-9. doi: 10.1637/10174-041012-ResNote.1.

Delogu M., De Marco M.A., Cotti C., Di Trani L., Raffini E., Puzelli S., Webster R.G., Cassone A., Donatelli I. (2012) Human and animal integrated influenza surveillance: a novel sampling approach for an additional transmission way in the aquatic bird reservoir. Italian Journal of Public Health. 9 (2): 29-36.

Di Trani L, Porru S, Bonfanti L, Cordioli P, Cesana BM, Boni A, Di Carlo AS, Arici C, Donatelli I, Tomao P, Vonesch N, De Marco MA. Serosurvey against H5 and H7 avian influenza viruses in Italian poultry workers. Avian Dis. 2012 Dec;56(4 Suppl):1068-71. doi: 10.1637/10184-041012-ResNote.1.

Donatelli I, Castrucci MR, De Marco MA, Delogu M, Webster RG. Human-Animal Interface: The Case for Influenza Interspecies Transmission. Adv Exp Med Biol. 2017;972:17-33. doi: 10.1007/5584_2016_136.

Gobbo F, Fornasiero D, De Marco MA, Zecchin B, Mulatti P, Delogu M, Terregino C. Active Surveillance for Highly Pathogenic Avian Influenza Viruses in Wintering Waterbirds in Northeast Italy, 2020-2021. Microorganisms. 2021 Oct 20;9(11):2188. doi: 10.3390/microorganisms9112188.

Guberti V., Khomenko S., Masiulis M., Kerba S., African swine fever in wild boar: Ecology and biosecurity; FAO Animal production and health manual no. 22; FaO, OIE and EC. 2019. Rome.

Guberti V., Newman S. Guidlines on Wild Bird Surveillance for Highly Pathogenic Avian Influenza H5N1 Virus. 2007 J. Wildl. Dis. 43(3):S29-S34.

Guberti V., Stancampiano L., Ferrari N., 2014. Wildlife surveillance, monitoring and surveys. Hystrix 25(1):1-6;

Gulyaeva M, De Marco MA, Kovalenko G, Bortz E, Murashkina T, Yurchenko K, Facchini M, Delogu M, Sobolev, Gadzhiev A, Sharshov K, Shestopalov A. Biological Properties and Genetic Characterization of

Novel Low Pathogenic H7N3 Avian Influenza Viruses Isolated from Mallard Ducks in the Caspian Region, Dagestan, Russia. Microorganisms. 2021 Apr 17;9(4):864. doi: 10.3390/microorganisms9040864.

Rossi S., Staubach C., Blome S., Guberti V., Thulke HH., Vos A., Konen F., Le Poyer M. 2015. Controlling CSG in European wild boar using oral vaccination: a review. Frontiers in Microbiology, 6:1141. DOI: 10.3389/fmicb.2015.01141.

Stincarelli M, Arvia R, De Marco MA, Clausi V, Corcioli F, Cotti C, Delogu M, Donatelli I, Azzi A, Giannecchini S. Reassortment ability of the 2009 pandemic H1N1 influenza virus with circulating human and avian influenza viruses: public health risk implications. Virus Res. 2013 Aug;175(2):151-4. doi: 10.1016/j.virusres.2013.04.012