Istituto Superiore per la Protezione
e la Ricerca Ambientale


Collection - Technical-scientific instrumentation

The collection, currently being set up and studied, includes scientific instruments and assets that have accompanied the activity of the former Geological Survey of Italy throughout its history.


Some instruments come from the former Hydrographic and Mareographic Service. The instruments were used over a period of time going from 1885 to about 1980.

All the assets are currently stored in the ISPRA deposits in Rome. Until October 2012, part of the assets were exhibited in the late '800 furniture (belonging to the historic headquarters of the Geological Service, the Agricultural Geological Museum of Largo Santa Susanna) in the previous ISPRA headquarters in via Curtatone, 3 in Rome.

Esposizione strumenti 1

Esposizione strumenti 2


Display of historical instruments in the ISPRA headquarters in Via Curtatone, closed in 2012