Istituto Superiore per la Protezione
e la Ricerca Ambientale


LIFE Fa.Re.Na.It project

The LIFE Fa.Re.Na.It project which CTS- Youth Touristic Centre is the leader project , through a complex communication campaign aims to achieve a significant increase of the awareness and knowledge about ‘Natura 2000’ network in Italy, towards the government, farmers and people who live in agricultural and rural areas inside the sites 'Natura 2000', by means of communication, education and training activities.

The Environmental Education Sector has participated in the implementation of the awareness and education addressed to schools of all levels, through various initiatives and tools, with the sponsorship of the Ministry of Education, University and Research and Italian National Commission for UNESCO DESD - Decade of Education for Sustainable Development.

In addition students were invited to participate in the competition "My land is worth”, in order to propose and develop made projects to enhance a site of Natura 2000

It was developed also the educational game "Agronauti: farmers of biodiversity", which allow participants to discover more closely habitats, animal and plant species that can be found in protected areas, and what are the practices of farming and livestock more sustainable with environment.

For teachers, there were training seminars in the Regions included in the project and was elaborated a specific methodological guide for teachers with useful suggestions to elaborate projects and educational activities concerning biodiversity conservation, sustainable agriculture, nutrition and health.

The junior section of the project website contains all the information on the school campaign and additional teaching tools.