Istituto Superiore per la Protezione
e la Ricerca Ambientale


Acronimi e Bibliografia


  • AANP - Altre Aree Naturali Protette
  • AB Tot - Superficie totale percorsa da incendio
  • AB For - superficie forestale percorsa da incendio
  • BA-ITA - Burnt Area in Italian Terrestrial Ecosystem
  • CLC2018 - Copernicus Corine Land Cover 2018
  • CSA - Centro operativo di Sorveglianza Ambientale ISPRA
  • CUTFAA - Comando Unit\`a per la Tutela Forestale, Ambientale e Agroalimentare
  • ECM-F4 - Ecosystems Classification Model - Forest4
  • EDO - European Drought Observatory - Copernicus EMS
  • EFFIS - European Forest Fire Information System
  • EMS - Emergency Management Services Copernicus
  • EOS - Earth Observing System
  • EU - Unione Europea
  • EUAP - Elenco Ufficiale Aree naturali Protette
  • EUNIS - European Nature Information System
  • HLR  - High Layer Resolution Land Monitoring Service Copernicus
  • JPSS - Joint Polar Satellite System
  • JRC - Joint Research Center
  • MASE - Ministero dell’Ambiente e della Sicurezza Energetica
  • MODIS - Moderate Resolution Imaging Spectroradiometer
  • MSI - MultiSpectral Instrument
  • NASA - National Aeronautics and Space Administration
  • NIAB - Nucleo Informativo Antincendio Boschivo
  • NOAA - National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration
  • RN2000 - Rete Natura 2000
  • PNZ - Parchi Nazionali
  • PNR - Parchi Naturali Regionali
  • RNR - Riserve Naturali Regionali
  • RNS - Riserve Naturali Statali
  • RMSAR - Convenzione di Ramsar sulle zone umide di importanza internazionale
  • T1 - classe ECM-F4 latifoglie decidue
  • T2 - classe ECM-F4 latifoglie sempreverdi
  • T3 - classe ECM-F4 aghifoglie sempreverdi
  • T34 - classe ECM-F4 aghifoglie decidue
  • VIIRS - Visible Infrared Imaging Radiometer Suite
  • ZPSt> - Zona Protezione Speciale
  • ZSC - Zona Speciale di Conservazione


  1. E. Agrillo, F. Filipponi, R. Inghilesi, A. Mercatini, and A. Pezzarossa. Monitoraggio dei cambiamenti degli ecosistemi forestali in italia. Technical report, Istituto Superiore per la Protezione e la Ricerca Ambientale, 2022.
  2. E. Agrillo, F. Filipponi, R. Inghilesi, A. Mercatini, and A. Pezzarossa. Gli incendi boschivi in italia nel 2021. Technical report, Istituto Superiore per la Protezione e la Ricerca Ambientale, 2022.
  3. B. J. Bentz, J. Régnière, C. J. Fettig, E. M. Hansen, J. L. Hayes, J. A. Hicke, R. G. Kelsey, J. F. Negrón, and S. J. Seybold. Climate change and bark beetles of the western united states and canada: direct and indirect effects. BioScience, 60(8):602–613, 2010.
  4. C. Blasi, S. Burrascano, A. Maturani, and F.M.Sabatini. Foreste vetuste in Italia. Ministero dell’Ambiente e della Tutela del Territorio e del Mare, 2010.
  5. T. D. Bruns, J. A. Chung, A. A. Carver, and S. I. Glassman. A simple pyrocosm for studying soil microbial response to fire reveals a rapid, massive response by Pyronema species. PLoS ONE, 15(3):e0222691, Mar. 2020. doi: 10.1371/journal.pone.0222691.
  6. D. M. J. S. Bowman, J. K. Balch, P. Artaxo, W. J. Bond, J. M. Carlson, M. A. Cochrane, C. M. D’Antonio, R. S. DeFries, and J. C. Doyle. Fire in the earth system. Science, (324):481–484, 2009.
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  8. Q. Canelles, N. Aquilué, P. M. James, J. Lawler, and L. Brotons. Global review on interactions between insect pests and other forest disturbances. Landscape Ecology, 36:945–972, 2021.
  9. G. Forzieri, M. Girardello, G. Ceccherini, J. Spinoni, L. Feyen, H. Hartmann, P. S. Beck, G. Camps- Valls, G. Chirici, A. Mauri, et al. Emergent vulnerability to climate-driven disturbances in european forests. Nature communications, 12(1):1081, 2021.
  10. K. J. Haynes, A. J. Allstadt, and D. Klimetzek. Forest defoliator outbreaks under climate change: ef- fects on the frequency and severity of outbreaks of five pine insect pests. Global Change Biology, 20(6):2004–2018, 2014.
  11. K.P.Hoinka,A.Carvalho,andA.I.Miranda. Regional-scaleweatherpatternsandwildlandfiresin central portugal. International Journal of Wildland Fire, 18:36–49, 2009.
  12. F. O. Jacome, R. De, H. Pfeiffer, A. Branco, D. Ferrari, R. Grecchi, V. T. Artes, T. Durrant, R. Boca, P. Maianti, et al. Pan-european wildfire risk assessment.
  13. V. Kharuk and O. Antamoshkina. Impact of silkmoth outbreak on taiga wildfires. Contemporary problems of ecology, 10:556–562, 2017.
  14. M. Lindner, M. Maroschek, S. Netherer, A. Kremer, A. Barbati, J. Garcia-Gonzalo, R. Seidl, S. Delzon, P. Corona, M. Kolström, M. J. Lexer, and M. Marchetti. Climate change impacts, adaptive capacity, and vulnerability of european forest ecosystems. Forest Ecology and Mana- gement, 259(4):698–709, 2010. ISSN 0378-1127. doi: 023. URL Adaptation of Forests and Forest Management to Changing Climate.
  15. R. Lovreglio, A. Marciano, A. Patrone, and V. Leone. Le motivazioni degli incendi boschivi in italia: risultati preliminari di un’indagine pilota nelle province a maggiore incidenza di incendi. Forest@- Journal of Silviculture and Forest Ecology, 9(3):137, 2012.
  16. V. Olmo, E. Tordoni, F. Petruzzellis, G. Bacaro, and A. Altobelli. Use of sentinel-2 satellite data for windthrows monitoring and delimiting: The case of “vaia” storm in friuli venezia giulia region (north-eastern italy). Remote Sensing, 13, 04 2021. doi: 10.3390/rs13081530.
  17. G. Pellizzaro, C. Cesaraccio, P. Duce, A. Ventura, and P. Zara. Relationships between seasonal patterns of live fuel moisture and meteorological drought indices for mediterranean shrubland species. International Journal of Wildland Fire, 16:232–241, 2007.
  18. S. Pignatti, R. Cavalli, V. Cuomo, L. Fusilli, S. Pascucci, P. Maurizio, and F. Santini. Evaluating hyperion capability for land cover mapping in a fragmented ecosystem: Pollino national park, italy, 01 2014.
  19. J. P. Prestemon and J. P. Prestemon. Wildfire ignitions: a review of the science and recommendations for empirical modeling. US Department of Agriculture, Forest Service, Southern Research Station ..., 2013.
  20. S. J. Pyne, P. L. Andrews, and R. D. Laven. Introduction to Wildland Fire. Wiley, second edition, 1996.
  21. F. Pulido-Chavez, J. Randolph, C. Zalman, L. Larios, P. Homyak, and S. Glassman. Bacterial and fungal communities experience rapid succession during the first year following a wildfire in a california chaparral, 2021. URL
  22. S. Ravera, M. Ottaviano, and M. Marchetti. Conservazione dei boschi ripariali: il ruolo delle zone umide nazionali ai sensi della convenzione di ramsar. L’Italia Forestale e Montana, 66(5):401–407, 2011.
  23. F. M. Sabatini, H. Bluhm, Z. Kun, D. Aksenov, J. Atauri, E. Buchwald, S. Burrascano, E. Ca- teau, A. Diku, I. M. Duarte, Á. B. Fernández López, M. Garbarino, N. Grigoriadis, F. Hor- váth, S. Keren, M. Kitenberga, A. Kiš, A. Kraut, P. L. Ibisch, L. Larrieu, F. Lombardi, B. Matovic, R. N. Melu, P. Meyer, R. Midteng, S. Mikac, M. Mikoláš, G. Mozgeris, M. Pa- nayotov, R. Pisek, L. Nunes, A. Ruete, M. Schickhofer, B. Simovski, J. Stillhard, D. Stoja- novic, J. Szwagrzyk, O.-P. Tikkanen, E. Toromani, R. Volosyanchuk, T. Vrška, M. Waldherr, M. Yermokhin, T. Zlatanov, A. Zagidullina, and T. Kuemmerle. European primary fore- st database v2.0. Scientific Data, 8(1):220, 2021. doi: 10.1038/s41597-021-00988-7. URL
  24. J. San-Miguel-Ayanz and et all. Advance report on forest fires in europe, middle east and north africa 2021. JRC Technical Report JRC128678, Joint Research Centre (JRC), 2022.
  25. J. San-Miguel-Ayanz, E. Schulte, G. Schmuck, A. Camia, P. Strobl, G. Libertá, C. Giovando, R. Boca, F. Sedano, P. Kempeneers, D. O. McInerney, C. Withmore, S. Oliveira, M. Rodrigues, T. H. Durrant, P. Corti, F. Oehler, L. Vilar, and G. Amatulli. Comprehensive monitoring of wildfires in europe: The european forest fire information system (effis). 2012.
  26. M.J. Schelhaas, G.-J. Nabuurs, and A. Schuck. Natural disturbances in the European forests in the 19th and 20th centuries. Global Change Biology, 9(11):1620–1633, Nov. 2003. doi: 10.1046/j.1365-2486.2003.00684.x.
  27. W. Steffen, K. Richardson, J. Rockström, S. E. Cornell, I. Fetzer, E. M. Bennett, R. Biggs, S. R. Carpenter, W. De Vries, C. A. De Wit, et al. Planetary boundaries: Guiding human development on a changing planet. Science, 347(6223):1259855, 2015.
  28. A. Toreti, D. Masante, N. J. Acosta, D. Bavera, C. Cammalleri, J. A. De, C. C. Di, E. A. Hrast, W. Maetens, D. Magni, et al. Drought in europe july 2022, 2022.
  29. R. J. Whelan, editor. The ecology of fire. Cambridge University Press, 1995.
  30. A. P. Williams, J. T. Abatzoglou, A. Gershunov, J. Guzman-Morales, D. A. Bishop, J. K. Balch, and D. P. Lettenmaier. Observed impacts of anthropogenic climate change on wildfire in california. Earth’s Future, 7(8):892–910, 2019.