Istituto Superiore per la Protezione
e la Ricerca Ambientale


Memorie Descrittive della Carta geologica d'Italia

Days of Geology and History IIº cycle
Technical Periodicals   110 / 2023
Days of Geology and History December 2021/June 2022
Technical Periodicals   109 / 2022
Geology and History days
Technical Periodicals   Vol. 108 / 2021
Geology and history days
Technical Periodicals   Vol. 107 / 2020
Geological memory sites in the Latium region
Technical Periodicals   Vol. 106 / 2020
Inventory of fluid emissions in Italian Seas
Technical Periodicals   Vol. 105 / 2020
Atlas of Italian Submarine Volcanic Structures
Technical Periodicals   Vol. 104 / 2019
Geological Map of Italy at 1:50,000 scale: geothematic cartography of the sheet 348 Antrodoco
Technical Periodicals   Vol. 103 / 2018
Week of Planet Earth. Geological-environmental itineraries
Technical Periodicals   Vol. 102 / 2017
Explanatory Notes of the sheet 070 Monte Cervino of the geological Map of Italy at 1:50,000 scale
Technical Periodicals   Vol. 101 / 2017
The Geological Survey of Italy mapping
Technical Periodicals   Vol. 100 / 2017
Sinkholes in Italy. The sinkholes and underground cavities: historical research, study methods and intervention
Technical Periodicals   Vol. 99 / 2015
Geological Map of Etna volcano
Technical Periodicals   Vol. 98 / 2015
Earthquake Environmental Effect for seismic hazard assessment: the ESI intensity scale and the EEE Catalogue
Technical Periodicals   Vol. 97 / 2015
Text, Context and Event. Geo-Mythology, a new frontier of Earth Sciences
Technical Documents   Vol. 96 / 2014
Geology of Sicily
Technical Periodicals   Vol. 95 / 2014
Neo-deterministic seismic hazard scenarios for Friuli Venezia Giulia and surrounding areas
Technical Periodicals   Vol. 94 / 2014
The groundwater and the seawater intrusion in Apulia: from research to the emergency in the safeguard of the water resource
Technical Periodicals   Vol. 92 / 2014
The Oricola-Carsoli (AQ) intermontane basin: geological, geomorphological and applicative aspects
Geological, geomorphological and applicative aspects
Technical Periodicals   Vol. 91 / 2014
The sinkholes: methodologies of investigation, historical research, monitoring and technique of intervention
Towns and natural processes of instability: evaluation, monitoring and mitigation
Technical Periodicals   Vol. 93 / 2013