Istituto Superiore per la Protezione
e la Ricerca Ambientale



I live green, a video competition to share your “green action”

Ispra and the European Environmental Agency for the Environment award the best videos How did you get to work or school today? By car, by bike or by public transport? Every day we make decisions that can have an impact on the environment. The completion video "I LIVE GREEN", by ISPRA's NRC for Communication and organized by the European Environmental Agency (EEA), invites all Europeans to show their creativity and share their actions to help the environment. The best videos will receive a cash prize.

Central Italy earthquake: start the Retrace-3D project

The first meeting of the RETRACE-3D project (centRal Italy EarThquakes integrated Crustal modEl) was held today in Rome, at the Department of Civil Protection, focusing on the three-dimensional, geological and seismotectonic characterization of the earth's crust that last august 24 was affected by the seismic sequence that hit central Italy. The project, which lasts one year renewable, is the result of a cooperation between the Department of Civil Protection, the National Institute of Geophysics and Volcanology (INGV), the National Research Council - which participates with the Institute of Geology Environmental and Geoengineering (CNR-IGAG) and the Institute for the Electromagnetic Detection of the Environment (CNR-IREA) - and the National System for Environmental Protection (ISPRA), with the collaboration of Eni and Total, both private companies but also part of the National Civil Protection Service, which have made available their data about soil.

Signed agreement ISPRA/INGV on topics of geology, hydrogeology, tectonics and volcanology

Studies of geology, structural geology, geophysics, phenomena related to earthquakes (active tectonics), earthquakes of the past (paleoseismology), monitoring of soil deformations and variations in sea level, evaluation of geo-resources (oil, gas, minerals) and the dangers associated with their extraction, as well as geochemistry and hydrology studies. These are some of the topics included by the Agreement signed by the ISPRA President Stefano Laporta and the INGV President Carlo Doglioni at ISPRA headquarters.

ISPRA managements in Dublin with the directors of European Agencies and appointment of the DG ISPRA Bratti in the EEA management board

Copernicus, Citizen science, circular economy, communication: these are some of the topics discussed on 12 and 13 April in Dublin, during the meeting of the Directors of the European Environmental Protection Agencies, attended by an ISPRA delegations led by President Stefano Laporta and by the DG Alessandro Bratti. The meeting was also attended by the Executive Director of the European Environment Agency, Hans Bruyninckx, and the General Director for the Environment of the European Commission, Daniel Calleja Crespo, that has underlined the fact that circular economy and sustainable finance are today issues of primary importance in the general framework of the European Union policies