
XII edition of Planet Earth Week: the National Geosciences Festival
Oct 12, 2024 — Oct 13, 2024 Parco naturalistico archeologico di Vulci, Strada Provinciale 107, Montalto di Castro (VT)Two itineraries in the Lazio Maremma area: geology, archeology and nature
On the occasion of the XII edition of Planet Earth Week (6-13 October 2024) ISPRA is proposing two scientific treks in the Etruscan-Roman city of Vulci, the Fiora river and the Montalto Marina beach.

European mobility week 2024
Sep 16, 2024 — Sep 22, 2024The European mobility week is the European Commission's most important awareness campaign on sustainable urban mobility. Promotes behavioral change in favor of active mobility, public transport and other clean and smart transport solutions.
The main event takes place from 16 to 22 September each year and culminates in Car Free Day. Local authorities are encouraged to use the main week to trial innovative planning measures, promote new infrastructure and technologies, measure air quality and get feedback from the public.

The Monte Vettore Fault recognized as a world geological heritage on the proposal of ISPRA
Sep 06, 2024The geosite was included in the list of the 200 geological sites with the highest scientific value of the IUGS Geological Heritage
Responsible for the seismic sequence that hit Central Italy in 2016, the Monte Vettore Fault extends along the highest peak of the Sibillini Mountains.
To enhance its scientific relevance, ISPRA and the Sibillini Mountains National Park have identified and set up some observation points for surface faulting, i.e. the breaking of the ground surface generated by the fault.
ISPRA then worked on the candidacy for inclusion in the list of the 200 geological sites of the highest scientific value in the world drawn up by the International Union of Geological Sciences

Bees, pollinators, pollen and biodiversity
Sep 27, 2024 06:30 PM — Sep 27, 2024 11:00 PM Rome Testaccio – Città dell’Altra EconomiaThe well-being of many species besides ours is connected to bees, but also to other pollinating insects: they fly from flower to flower, mix pollen, fertilize flowers, ensuring fruit, vegetables, legumes, trees and meadows for the planet. A journey on the wings of the wind and bees to understand what pollen is, what the pollnet network is, what are the complex relationships that link a hive to pollen and the environment, the causes and dangers linked to the decline of apoidea. An in-depth journey for adults and children guided by ISPRA researchers to observe the morphology of bees and pollen and understand the pollination process of plants.

The natural monument of the Manziana caldera: the Earth breathes
Sep 20, 2024 03:00 PM — Sep 20, 2024 06:30 PM Caldara di Manziana Parco naturale regionale di Bracciano-Martignano Manziana (RM)ISPRA researchers in collaboration with the Lazio Region will accompany citizens to discover the geodiversity and biodiversity of Caldara. The Caldara di Manziana natural monument is a protected area in the municipality of Manziana, in the province of Rome.

Excursion " National Biodiversity Network: #Tevere fantastic molluscs... and where to find them
Sep 28, 2024 06:00 PM — Sep 28, 2024 11:00 PM Rome Testaccio – Città dell’Altra EconomiaActivities of the Citizen Science inside the National Network of Biodiversity project for monitoring the presence and distribution of native and non-native molluscs in the Tevere river. View of the distribution of species on PC, impact and distribution of alien species and competition with native ones, shows specimens of the molluscs present, with 2 digital mini-microscopes it will be possible to see the smaller ones.

Citizen Science and National Biodiversity Network: Life BIOREPEM project
Sep 27, 2024 06:30 PM — Sep 27, 2024 11:00 PM Rome Testaccio – Città dell’Altra EconomiaLess pollution, more sustainable cities
What can municipal administrators and each of us do individually to reduce the use of biocides? We will talk about it with the researchers of the BIOREPEM Project which has the main objective of raising awareness among public administrations and citizens about reducing the use of biocides for mosquitoes and rodents in urban environments. The advanced technologies used in two project areas - Municipality of Fiumicino and Municipality of Francavilla al Mare - will be illustrated for the monitoring and targeted control of infestations, including high-tech electro-mechanical traps for the massive capture of rats and mosquitoes.

Citizen Science and National Biodiversity Network: #Tevere fantastic molluscs... and where to find them
Sep 27, 2024 06:30 PM — Sep 27, 2024 11:00 PM Rome Testaccio – Città dell’Altra EconomiaActivities of the Citizen Science project for monitoring the presence and distribution of native and non-native molluscs in the Tevere river. View of the distribution of species on PC, impact and distribution of alien species and competition with native ones, shows specimens of the molluscs present, with 2 digital mini-microscopes it will be possible to see the smaller ones.

Citizen Science and National Biodiversity Network: RIVE project - field and laboratory activities
Sep 27, 2024 06:30 PM — Sep 27, 2024 11:00 PM Rome Testaccio – Città dell’Altra EconomiaTogether with the participants, we will go to the bank of the Tevere where the importance of riparian vegetation will be addressed. We will illustrate how this transition zone between land and water plays a crucial role in maintaining the health of aquatic ecosystems, filtering nutrients and providing a vital habitat for many species. After this brief theoretical introduction, we will take a water sample from the river. This sample will then be taken to the event stand, where we will carry out a test to measure the levels of nitrates and phosphates, using specific kits with dyes.

Citizen Science and National Biodiversity Network: how to actively participate
Sep 27, 2024 06:30 PM — Sep 27, 2024 11:00 PM Rome Testaccio – Città dell’Altra EconomiaThrough the video link, participants will be able to explore data and information on biodiversity contained in the platform of the National Biodiversity Network (NNB), the technical infrastructure managed by ISPRA on behalf of the Ministry of the Environment and Energy Security which brings together the banks data on biodiversity relating to the national territory. Information will be provided about the possibility of participation in Citizen Science activities which consist of the active involvement of citizens in research activities, on the activation of Paths for Transversal Skills and Orientation (PCTO) and on the activation of Internships for university students.

Meetings on the E.I.A. Points of view on environmental impact assessment
Sep 05, 2024The podcast developed by ISPRA will be presented in September to tell citizens about the construction of large works (such as railways, motorways, ports, dams) in line with the protection of the environment and human health. Field interviews and informal conversations with evaluators, designers, clients and environmental associations to concretely talk about sustainable development in Italy.
The first episode is online from 4 September on the IspraVideo YouTube channel and on the main podcast platforms.

Field activities have started to update the analyzes of marine sediments in the Augusta Bay
Sep 05, 2024Field activities began on Monday 2 September aimed at updating the concentrations of contaminants beyond which it will be necessary to provide interventions for the recovery of marine sediments in the Augusta Bay.
ARPA Sicilia, with the coordination of ISPRA, is proceeding with the sampling of marine sediments from the seabed of the important site of Sicilian national interest.
The operations are carried out within the framework of the Agreement between the Sicilian Region, the Ministry of the Environment and Energy Security and ISPRA which sees - in addition to the participation of the staff of the "Oceanography and Nautical Vessels" Organizational Unit of ARPA Sicily - the operational and CNR - Institute for the study of anthropogenic impacts and sustainability in the marine environment (IAS-CNR) and the Istituto Superiore di Sanità (ISS).
The detailed operational plan in fact involves the determination of the various parameters of interest present in the sediments, but also the study of the transfer of contaminants in marine organisms through specific scientific fishing campaigns and the monitoring of filter-feeding organisms such as bivalve molluscs (mussel watch).

Citizen science and riparian vegetation of the Aniene Valley Nature Reserve
Sep 28, 2024 09:30 AM — Sep 28, 2024 12:30 PM Rome, Casa del Parco della Riserva Naturale Valle dell’Aniene, Via Vicovaro sncAs part of the 2024 edition of Urban Nature, the initiative promoted by the WWF to spread the value and care of nature in the city, the National Biodiversity Network is organizing a day of meeting between ISPRA experts and citizens at the Reserve on 28 September Nature of the Aniene Valley. This year the NNB initiative is also part of the Scienzainsieme events, a project which aims to unite the main research bodies and some universities to promote scientific dissemination

Earth Technology Expo 2024
Sep 25, 2024 — Sep 27, 2024 FlorenceEarth Technology Expo showcases Italy's extraordinary capabilities in the use of technologies for the control and management of the environment: the subsoil, the soil, the sea, underground and surface waters, the atmosphere and the entire ecosystem . Together with all the technologies that are accompanying the country's digital, energy and ecological transition.

Lead and hunting ammunition. Two paths destined to separate
Sep 12, 2024 — Sep 12, 2024 Manifattura dei Marinati, Comacchio (FE)Nationally renowned speakers will present data, research and scientific evidence that explain all the problems of lead poisoning which, every year in Europe alone, causes the death of over 2,300,000 birds.
An extensive review will be dedicated to the use of non-toxic alternative lead ammunition which has been in use for decades in some European countries and regions. In the afternoon, the most significant stages of the multi-year ecotoxicological research, undertaken in 1995, on the muddy sediments of the Po Delta, in the places of lead contamination, will be illustrated.

Flying over the Dancalia - When geology amazes us
Sep 02, 2024On the occasion of the conference "The contribution of Italian geologists in the exploration of the Afar" organized by ISPRA in collaboration with the Italian Geological Society and the Italian Geographical Society on 7 June 2024 in Rome, the reportage created with 4K aerial images of this region where it is possible to admire an incredible variety of natural landscapes, originating from geological processes that have been ongoing for millions of years. The conference was a day of in-depth study on the role played by the Italian scientific community, and in particular by geologists, in the exploration of the Dancalia region (East Africa).

Water Festival 2024
Sep 26, 2024 — Sep 28, 2024 FlorenceUtilitalia, the Federation of water, environment and energy companies, will organize the 2024 edition of the Water Festival in Florence from 24 to 26 September. The event will offer three days of reflections with political representatives, national and international sector experts, as well as events and demonstrations that will involve the city of Florence to reflect on the importance of this resource.

XXVIII National Congress of the Italian Chemical Society
Aug 26, 2024 — Aug 30, 2024 MilanoRaw materials, point of convergence between different sciences
The XXVIII congress of the Italian Chemical Society took place in Milan. In the Chemistry&Society session, ISPRA activity in the sector of critical and strategic raw materials was presented, which has attracted great interest from the Italian Chemical Society. ENEA, CNR and State Police also participated in the session. The meeting can be the prelude to a collaboration for a desirable and necessary sharing of knowledge on a topic that is the basis of our entire development model

Landslides and floods: ISPRA's activities
Aug 29, 2024On 27 August 2024, the provinces of Caserta, Benevento and Avellino were hit by strong storms that caused landslides and rivers of mud in various locations. Irpinia was particularly affected where in San Felice Cancello the streets of the hilly hamlet of Talanico were invaded by a river of mud and debris.
Among the institutional tasks of ISPRA is the collection, processing and dissemination of maps and data on hydrogeological instability referring to the entire national territory, making them available to the country for risk prevention and mitigation.
In particular, ISPRA in collaboration with the Regions and Autonomous Provinces, has realized the Inventory of Landslide Phenomena in Italy, in which, to date, over 634,000 landslides have been recorded, representing 2/3 of those in Europe.
Every three years ISPRA publishes the Report on hydrogeological instability in Italy which constitutes the official reference framework on the hydrogeological hazard and risk for our country.
The data tell us that the 94% of Italian municipalities are at risk from landslides, floods or coastal erosion, 1.3 million inhabitants are at risk of landslides and 6.8 million inhabitants at risk of floods (ISPRA Report, 2021). We are working on the 2024 edition which will be published early next year.
All data is published on the national IdroGEO platform, an easy tool to use, even with smartphones, to promote greater awareness of the risks affecting one's territory and informed decisions on where to buy one's home or locate new economic activities.
In situ monitoring of landslides is essential to deepen knowledge of landslide phenomena, evaluate the evolution of ongoing phenomena (forecast), support the design of stabilization works and verify their effectiveness over time, correctly plan the territory, activate procedures to alert the population.
In 2021, ISPRA created the National Registry of in situ landslide monitoring systems in order to survey the monitoring networks on the national territory. It is managed in collaboration with Regions, Autonomous Provinces and ARPA and contains information on location, managing entity, monitoring purpose (cognitive/alert), system status (active/decommissioned/under construction), type of acquisition (manual/ continuously), type of monitoring instrumentation.

IdroGEO: check if your area is at risk of instability
Aug 28, 2024Over 2 million buildings and more than 727 thousand businesses in highly dangerous areas
There are more than 2 million and 115 thousand Italian buildings which, together with the 727 thousand companies, are located in the areas most exposed to hydrogeological risk. Of the latter, over 84 thousand fall in areas with high and very high landslide danger, with over 220 thousand workers exposed to risk; more than 640 thousand companies are located in areas at risk for floods in the average scenario.

A new legislative instrument for nature conservation in Europe: the Nature Restoration Regulation
Aug 27, 2024On 18 August 2024 the "Nature Restoration law" officially came into force, the EU law on the Restoration of Nature which for the first time establishes a roadmap for the protection and above all the restoration of degraded areas

PNRR WED – Complete mapping of the italian coast and coastal habitats launch of the WebGis platform – Cloud
Aug 09, 2024The PNRR MER project is an ambitious initiative that aims to map the entire Italian coast in detail, both the emerged and submerged parts. The project's coverage area extends up to 800 meters landward and up to 50 meters depth at sea, including the boundaries of marine protected areas and Natura 2000 sites.
A crucial element of the project is the development of a WebGIS – Cloud platform, currently in beta version, which allows access to the collected data and real-time monitoring of mapping activities.

Publication of RETICULA n. 35/2024
Aug 06, 2024Issue n.35 of RETICULA technical journal is now available online.
This issue hosts an interesting article on a methodology for monitoring riparian areas, important elements of an ecological network at a local scale, through remote sensing and citizen science approaches, developed in 2020 and currently being validated for the Italian environment. Furthermore, the “Carta della Natura del comune di Campobasso: Carta degli habitat alla scala 1:5,000” is presented, which represents an example of application of the “Carta della Natura” project at a local scale within a medium-small city context. Another contribution addresses the issue of ecological connectivity within the new European Agricultural Programming and finally, an article describing the conservation actions favoring the Marsican brown bear within the Regional Nature Reserve/WWF Oasis “Gole del Sagittario”.
The editorial, edited by Matteo Guccione, presents the lights and shadows of the application of Artificial Intelligence in managing urban greenery.
The ReticulaNews section collects numerous news reported by the magazine users and the Editorial Board

Eco - Festival of Sustainable Mobility and Smart Cities
Sep 17, 2024 — Sep 18, 2024 RomeECO, the Festival of Sustainable Mobility and Intelligent Cities which, after the first edition last year in Padova it will be held in Rome to analyze the state of the art of the ecological transition, will take place on 17 and 18 September at the Roman Aquarium in terms of transport of people and goods in Italy

The ecological beach
Aug 05, 2024The activity is part of the "ISPRA Program of environmental and sustainability education initiatives" to bring students closer to nature and the environment. The educational actions aim to discover the natural elements characteristic of Mediterranean beaches, including the Banquettes, and to knowledge of the Ecological Beach model, with active involvement in the sustainable management of beaches, also through Citizen Science approaches

Marine alien species - CapSenHAR project
Aug 05, 2024The biodiversity of the Mediterranean Sea is constantly evolving, colonized by expanding species that arrive through natural corridors, such as the Strait of Gibraltar, and by non-indigenous or alien species that are introduced through anthropogenic activities such as maritime traffic, aquaculture and the aquarium hobby or which arrive through artificial corridors such as the Suez Canal. The success of new species may be favored by climate change and/or altered environmental conditions. Some of these may become invasive and pose a threat to the environment, cause damage to the economy or represent a danger to human health.

Ideal habitat for the plover
Aug 05, 2024The plover Charadrius alexandrinus is a small cosmopolitan wader that prefers the shores of the sea and lakes, estuaries, salt marshes and brackish lagoons for reproduction. Its ideal habitat is the area at the foot of the dune, the use of beaches by man and coastal erosion have significantly reduced it.
The plover is currently among the most threatened coastal nesting species: most of the breeding populations in Europe have decreased, sometimes drastically as in Italy, due to the disturbance caused by human activities, predation by invasive species, the loss and of habitat degradation.

The European Night of Researchers returns on 27 and 28 September: the 2024 edition of NET - scieNcE Together
Sep 27, 2024 — Sep 28, 2024The 2024 edition of the European Night of Researchers is dedicated to Maria Skłodowska Curie, a pioneer in the field of radioactivity.
A journey into science that celebrates the first person in history to win two Nobel Prizes through workshops, events and shows organized in Italy and abroad by twelve national research bodies and universities with the NET - scieNcE Together project.

Pantelleria - Volcanic island between past and future
Aug 05, 2024ISPRA Geological Service of Italy is carrying out the survey of the 1:25,000 geological sheet of the island of Pantelleria. In this video, in addition to the beauty of the island, its volcanic history and the difficulties that geologists have to face to create this important geological map emerge. By also interviewing the Director of the Pantelleria National Park, the strategic value that this map also has for the purposes of planning and protection of a unique territory in the world emerges.

PNRR MER - Integral mapping of the Italian coast and coastal habitats. Intervention A16-A18 and coastline
Aug 02, 2024The PNRR MER project aims to fully map the Italian coast, both the emerged and submerged parts. The area covered includes the coast up to 800 meters towards land and up to 50 meters deep at sea, extending to the borders of marine protected areas and Natura 2000 sites.
The mapping of coastal habitats is carried out via aerial flights equipped with Topographic LiDAR sensors, which create a 3D "digital atlas" of the Italian coast. This survey, which covers 7,500 km of coastline, will provide useful data for the analysis and protection of species and habitats.
The detection takes place with a specific Topographic LiDAR sensor mounted on an aircraft, flying at an average altitude of 2,800 meters. The images collected will be used to model the coast and support habitat protection and coastal defense strategies. The campaign is already underway in several regions of Liguria, Toscana, Lazio and Campania and the data will be available starting from autumn 2024.
The project aims to strengthen the monitoring of Italian marine and coastal ecosystems, providing detailed information on the morphology of the coast and supporting decisions for the protection of coastal infrastructure.