Istituto Superiore per la Protezione
e la Ricerca Ambientale



  • Valente T.,  Sbrana A.,  Scacco U., Jacomini C., Bianchi J., Palazzo L., De Lucia G.A.,  Silvestri C. and Matiddi M. (2019). Exploring microplastic ingestion by three deep-water elasmobranch species: A case study from the Tyrrhenian Sea. Environ Pollut.
  • Matiddi M., DeLucia G.A., Silvestri C., Darmon G., Tomás J., Pham C.K., Camedda A., Vandeperre F., Claro F., Kaska Y., Kaberi H., Revuelta O., Piermarini R., Daffina R., Pisapia M., Genta D., Sözbilen D., Bradai M.N., Rodríguez Y., Gambaiani D., Tsangaris C., Chaieb O., Moussier J., Loza A.L., Miaud C. (2019). Data Collection on Marine Litter Ingestion in Sea Turtles and Thresholds for Good Environmental Status. J Vis Exp.
  • Bray L., Digka N., TsangarisC., Camedda A., Gambaiani D., De Lucia G.A., Matiddi M., Miaud C., Palazzo L., Del-Olmo A.P., Raga J.A., Silvestri C., Kaberi H. (2019). Determining suitable fish to monitor plastic ingestion trends in the Mediterranean Sea. Environ Pollut.
  • Piazzi L., Cecchi E., Gennaro P., Penna M., Trabucco B. (2019). Spread of non-indigenous macroalgae and disturbance: impact assessment of the Costa Concordia shipwreck (Giglio Island, Italy) using the ALEX index. Ocean and Coastal Management (in press.).
  • P. Di Marco, T. Petochi, V. Donadelli, A. Longobardi, M.G. Finoia, F. Faccenda, G. Cardinaletti, E. Tibaldi, F. Lunelli, Marino G. (2019). Evaluation of dietary inclusion of insect meal and poultry by-product meal in combination to plant protein-rich ingredients on stress response and nutritional status of rainbow trout Oncorhynchus mykiss. Aquaculture Europe 2019. Our future. Growing from water. October 7-10, 2019 Berlin, Germany. Submitted.
  • Targusi M., La Porta B., Lattanzi L., La Valle P., Loia M., Paganelli D., Pazzini A., Proietti R., Nicoletti L. (2019). Beach nourishment using sediments from relict sand deposit: Effects on subtidal macrobenthic communities in the Central Adriatic Sea (Eastern Mediterranean Sea-Italy). 2019.  Marine Environmental Research 144 (2019) 186–193.
  • Travizi A., Balković I., Bacci T., Bertasi F., Cuicchi C., Flander-Putrle V., Grati F., Grossi L., Jaklin A., Lipej L., Mavrič B., Mikac B., Marusso V., Montagnini L., Nerlović V., Penna M., Salvalaggio V., Santelli A., Scirocco T., Trabucco B., Spagnolo A. (2019). Macrozoobenthos in the Adriatic Sea ports_ Soft-bottom communities with an overview of non-indigenous species. Marine Pollution Bulletin, 147: 159-170.
  • Spagnolo A., Auriemma R., Balković I., Bacci T., Bertasi F., Cabrini M., Cecere E., Cilenti L., Cuicchi C., Cvitković I., Despalatović M., Grossi L., Jaklin A., Lipej L., Magaletti E., Marković O., Marusso V., Mavrič B., Mikac  B., Nasi F., Nerlović V., Pelosi S., Penna M., Petrocelli A., Petović S. , Portacci G., Punzo E., Rende S.F., Santucci A., Scarpato A., Scirocco T., Strafella P., Trabucco B.,  Travizi A., Vani D., Žuljević A. (2019). Macrozoobenthic non-indigenous species in the Adriatic Sea harbours: hard bottom communities. Marine Pollution Bulletin Marine Pollution Bulletin, 147: 150-158.
  • Sbrana A., Scacco U., Bianchi J., Ardizzone G., Matiddi M., (2018). Spatial variability of plastic ingestion by Boops boops(Linnaeus, 1758). Proceedings of the FishForum FAO, 10-14 December, Roma.
  • Valente T., Bianchi J., Silvestri C., Scacco U., de Lucia A., Camedda A. and Matiddi M. (2018). Microplastics ingestion by deep-water catsharks Galeus melastomus and Scyliorhinus canicula (Chondrichthyes) in the Tyrrhenian sea (Western Mediterranean Sea). In: Micro 2018, fate and impact of microplastics: knowledge, actions and solutions. Conference Proceedings, p. 369.Lanzarote Spain.
  • Bianchi J., Valente T., Scacco U., Silvestri C., Cimmaruta R., Matiddi M. (2018). A comparison of new and conventional methods for isolaing microlastics ingested by fish. In: Micro 2018, fate and impact of microplastics: knowledge, actions and solutions. Conference Proceedings, pp. 317-318. Lanzarote, Spain.
  • Valente T., Camedda A., Silvestri C., Cocumelli C., Ruiu A., Atzori F., Matiddi M., de Lucia G.A. (2018). Is the Loggerhead Caretta caretta a good indicator of plastic ingestion also at local scale? In: 6th Mediterranean Conference on Marine Turtles, Poreck, Croatia.
  • deLucia G.A., Darmon G., Camedda A., Kaska Y., Brad M.N., Tomas J., Silvestri C., Tsangaris C., Loza A.L., Vale M., Pham C., Claro F., Sozbilen D., Chaieb O., Revuelta O., Kaberi H., Matiddi M., Miaud C. (2018). Assessment of litter ingestion in the loggerhead sea turtle (Caretta caretta) in the Mediterranean Sea, an INDICIT outcome. Proceedings of the  6th Mediterranean Conference on Marine Turtles, Porec, Croatia.
  • Matiddi M., Thomas J., de Lucia G.A., Pham C., Bradai M., Kaberi H.,Kaska Y.,Claro F., Loza A.L., Miaud C., 2018. Trends in the amount and composition of litter ingested by sea turtles: The Indicit Project. Proceedings of the Sixth International Marine Debris Conference. March 12-16. San Diego USA.
  • Digka N., Tsangaris C., deLucia G.A., Palazzo L., Perez del Olmo A., Raga T., Miaud C., Gambaiani D., Tomassetti P., and Matiddi M., 2018. Methods for the detection of microplastics ingested by fish  Proceedings of the Sixth International Marine Debris Conference. March 12-16. San Diego USA.
  • Silvestri C., Dalù M., Piermarini R. and Matiddi M., 2018.  Microplastic ingested by fish could be a new indicator of debris impact? Proceedings of the Sixth International Marine Debris Conference.  March 12-16. San Diego USA.
  • de Lucia G.A., Camedda A., Caracappa S., Hochscheid S., Di Renzo L., Persichetti M.F., Cocumelli C., Silvestri C., Di Francesco G., Maffucci, F.  and Matiddi M., 2018. Litter ingestion by loggerhead sea turtles along the italian coast. Proceedings of the 38th Annual Symposium on Sea Turtle Biology and Conversation, 18-23 February. Kobe Japan.
  • Darmon G., Claro F., Liria Loza A., Matiddi M., Miaud C., Attia El Hili H., Bradai M.N., Camedda A., Chaieb O., de Lucia G.A., Kaberi H., Kaska Y., Novillo O., Paramio L., Pham C.K., Silvestri C., Sozbilen D., Tomás J., Tsangaris C., Vale M., Vandeperre F., 2018. Impact of litter on sea turtles and marine fauna: an evaluation of ingestion and entanglement at the European and Regional Sea Convention scales.  Proceedings of the 38th Annual Symposium on Sea Turtle Biology and Conversation, 18-23 February. Kobe Japan.
  • Di Renzo L., de Lucia G.A., Camedda A., Caracappa S., Hochscheid S., Persichetti M.F., Cocumelli C., Scholl F., Silvestri C., Di Francesco G., Maffucci F. and Matiddi M., 2018. Litter ingestion by loggerhead sea turtles: the Italian network for INDICIT project. Atti della Conferenza Marine litter: da emergenza ambientale a potenziale risorsa. 1 Dicembre. Accademia dei Lincei Roma.
  • Piazzi L., Gennaro P., Atzori F., Cadoni N., Cinti M.F., Frau F., Ceccherelli G. (2018). ALEX index enables detection of alien macroalgae invasions across habitats within a marine protected area. Marine Pollution Bulletin, 128: 318-323.
  • Di Marco P., Longobardi A., Petochi A., Marino G. (2018). Climate change and aquaculture: emerging risks for animal health and food safety.  In: Ricciardi W., Marcheggiani S., Puccinelli C., Carere M., Sofia T., Giuliano F., Dogliotti E., Mancini M. (Ed.). First Scientific Symposium Health and Climate Change. Istituto Superiore di Sanità. Rome, December 3-5, 2018. Abstract book. Roma: Istituto Superiore di Sanità, 2018 (ISTISAN Congressi 18/C5).
  • MecozziM., TomassettiP., VaniV., PietrolettiM., NovelliF.and MonakhovaY.B. (2018). Independent Component Analysis and Infrared Spectroscopy for the Investigation of the Structural and Molecular Characteristics of Marine Mollusc Shells. Book, Nova Science Publisher. In stampa.
  • de Lucia G.A., Vianello A., Camedda A., Vani D., Tomassetti P., Coppa S., Palazzo L., Amici M., Romanelli G., Zampetti G., Cicero A.M., Carpentieri S., De Vito S. e Matiddi M. (2018) – Sea water contamination in the vicinity of the Italian minor Island caused by microplastic pollution. Water, 10, 1108; doi:10.3390/w10081108.
  • Ceccherelli G., Oliva S., Pinna S., Piazzi L., Procaccini G., Marìn Guirao L., Dattolo E., La Manna G., Gallia R., Gennaro P., Costa M., Barrote I., Silva J., Bulleri F. (2017). Seagrass collapse due to synergistic stressors is not anticipated by phenological changes. Oecologia, 186(4):
  • Grossi L., Bertasi F. & Trabucco B. (2017). New records of the alien polychaete worm Chaetozone corona (Polychaeta: Cirratulidae) in the Adriatic Sea. Acta Adriatica, 58(2): 235 – 244.
  • Spagnolo A., Auriemma R., Balković I., Bacci T., Bertasi F. Cabrini M., Cecere E., , Cilenti L., Cuicchi C., Cvitković I., Despalatović M., Grossi L., Jaklin A., Lipej L., Magaletti E., Marković O., Marusso V., Mavrič B., Mikac , Nasi F., Nerlović V., Pelosi S., Penna M., Petrocelli A., Petović S. , Portacci G., Punzo E., Rende S.F., Santucci A., Scarpato A. , Scirocco T., Strafella P., Trabucco B.,  Travizi A., Vani D., Žuljević A. Macrozoobenthic non-indigenous species in the adriatic sea harbours: hard bottom communities.  Marine Pollution Bulletin (Impact Factor: 3.146) In press
  • Penna M., Gennaro P., Bacci T., Trabucco B.,Cecchi E., Mancusi C., Piazzi L., Rende S. F., Serena F., Cicero A. M. Multiple environmental descriptors to assess ecological status of sensitive habitats in the area affected by the Costa Concordia shipwreck (Giglio Island, Italy) – (2017). Journal of the Marine Biological Association of the UK 1-9. doi:10.1017/S0025315417001485.
  • Di Marco P., Longobardi A., Fabris A., Prioli G., Marino G. (2017). Italian policies and strategies for aquaculture adaptation to climate change. Aquaculture Europe 2017. Cooperation for Growth. October 17-20, 2017 Dubrovnik, Croatia.
  • Petochi T., Di Marco P., Finoia M.G., Longobardi A., Donadelli V., Marino G. (2017). Is fin condition a good operational welfare indicator in farmed sea bass and sea bream ? Aquaculture Europe 2017. Cooperation for Growth. October 17-20, 2017 Dubrovnik, Croatia.
  • Loia M., Luisa Nicoletti and Barbara La Porta (2017) – First record of genus Paramphitrite(Polychaeta: Terebellidae) in Mediterranean Sea. Marine Biodiversity Records. DOI 10.1186/s41200-017-0113-2
  • Camisa F., Abbattista C., Bellisario B., Angeletti D., Lattanzi L., Cimmaruta R. (2017) – Seasonal variations of amphipod assemblages in a Posidonia oceanica (Linnaeus) Delile, 1813 meadow from the Central Tyrrhenian Sea (Italy). Crustaceana 90 (11-12): 1319-1335.
  • Di Marco P., Petochi T., Marino G., Priori A., Finoia M.G., Tomassetti P., Porrello S., Giorgi G., Lupi P., Bonelli A., Parisi G., Poli B.M. (2017). Insights into organic farming of European sea bass Dicentrarchus labrax and gilthead sea bream Sparus aurata through the assessment of environmental impact, growth performance, fish welfare and product quality. Aquaculture, 471, 92-105.
  • Gennaro P., Piazzi L., Persia E., Porrello S. (2017). Response to nutrient enrichment of macroalgal assemblages dominated by three Mediterranean brown macroalgae with different life strategies (under minor revisions by European Journal of Phycology
  • Lenzi M. and S. Porrello. Non tidal lagoon structure, dynamics and eutrophication management. Lambert Academy Publication, Berlin, 60pp.
  • Lenzi M., M.L. Persiano, P. Gennaro, F. Rubegni (2017) – Artificial top layer sediment resuspension to counteract Chaetomorpha linum (Muller) Kutz blooms in a eutrophic lagoon. Three years full-scale experience. Journal of Aquaculture&Marine Biology 5(2):00114. doi: 10.15406/jamb.2017.05.00114
  • Livi S., Tomassetti P. Vani D., Marino G. (2017) – Genetic evidences of multiple phyletic lineages of Capitella capitata (Fabricius, 1780) complex in the Mediterranean Region. Journal of Mediterranean Ecology, 15: 5-11.
  • Matiddi M., Hochscheid S., Camedda A., Baini M., Cocumelli C., Serena F., Tomassetti P., Travaglini A., Marra S., Campani T., Scholl F., Mancusi C., Amato E., Briguglio P., Maffucci F., Fossi MC., Bentivegna F., de Lucia G.A., (2017)-Loggerhead Sea Turtles (Caretta caretta): a Target Species for Monitoring Litter Ingested  by Marine Organisms in the Mediterranean Sea. Environmental Pollution.  230, 199-209.
  • Paganelli D., La Valle P., Pulcini M., Proietti R., Nicoletti L., La Porta B., Lattanzi L., Pazzini A., Targusi M., Gabellini M. (2017) – Towards an evaluation of physical loss pressure in the Italian seas for the implementation of the marine strategy framework directive. Journal of the Marine Biological Association of the United Kingdom,1-9. doi:10.1017/S0025315417000911.
  • Penna M., P. Gennaro, T. Bacci, B. Trabucco, E. Cecchi, C. Mancusi, L. Piazzi, S.F. Rende, F. Serena, A.M. Cicero (2017) – Multiple environmental descriptors to assess ecological status of sensitive habitats in the area affected by the Costa Concordia shipwreck (Giglio Island, Italy). Journal of the Marine Biological Association of the United Kingdom 1-9. doi:
  • Piazzi L., P. Gennaro, E. Cecchi, F. Serena, C.N. Bianchi, C. Morri, M. Montefalcone (2017) – Integration of ESCA index through the use of sessile invertebrate. Scientia Marina, 81(2): 283-290. doi: 10.3989/scimar.04565.01B
  • Piazzi L., Gennaro P., Montefalcone M., Bianchi C.N., Cecchi E., Morri C., Serena F. (2018). STAR: an integrated and standardized procedure to evaluate the ecological status of coralligenous reefs. Aquatic Conservation: Marine and Freshwater Ecosystems, in stampa.
  • Bacci T., F.S. Rende, M Scardi. Shoot micro-distribution patterns in the Mediterranean seagrass Posidonia oceanica (2017). Marine Biology, 164 (4), 85
  • Targusi M., Maietta F., Bacci T., Lattanzi L., Trabucco B., Tomassetti P., Rotini A., Blasi M., Migliore L. (2017) – Crustaceans associated with the loggerhead sea turtles in the Central Mediterranean Sea. Biodiversity Journal 8 (2): 605-607.
  • Gubbay, N. Sanders, T. Haynes, J.A.M. Janssen, J.R. Rodwell, A. Nieto, M. García Criado, S. Beal, J. Borg, M. Kennedy, D. Micu, M. Otero, G. Saunders and M. Calix. With contributions from L. Airoldi, V.V. Alexandrov, E. Alcázar, J. de Andalucia, L. Babbini, T. Bakran-Petricioli, E. Ballesteros, E. Bañares España, M. Bariche, E. Bastos, D. Basso, L. Bat, C. Battelli, H. Bazairi, C.N. Bianchi, G. Bitar, M. Bo, P. Brazier, L. Bush, S. Canese, S.P. Catrense, M. E. Cefalì,  C. Cerrano, R. Chemello, E. B. Chernysheva, D. Connor, R. Cook, N. Dankers, A. Darr, A.R. Davis, N. Dolenc-Orbanić, S. Dubois, F. Espino,  A. Flores Moya, J. Ford, M. Foulquie, S. Fowler, M. Fourt, S. Fraschetti, I. Fuller, K. Fürhaupter, B. Galil, V. Gerovasileiou, A. Giangrande,  C. Giuseppe, P. Goriup, J. Grall, M.F. Gravina, A. Guelmami, A. Güreşen, L. Hadjioannou, J. M. Haldin, J. Hall-Spencer, J.G. Harmelin,  R. Haroun-Tabrae, D. Harries, K. Herkül, T. Hetman, K. Hiscock, S. Hiscock, R. Holt, Y. Issaris, E. Jackson, A. Jeudy, C. Jimenez, C. Karamita,  A. Karlsson, D. Kersting, E. Keskinen, F. Klinge, L. Klissurov, L. Knittweis-Mifsud, V. Kopiy, D. Korolesova, P. Kružić, G. Komakhidze,  B. La Porta, J. Leinikki, P. Lehtonen, C. Linares, L. Lipej, V. Mačić, L. Mangialajo, S. Mariani, C. Melih, R. Metalpa, E. Mielke, V.  ihneva,  N. Milchakova, K. Milonakis, C. Minguell, N.V. Mironova, J. Näslund, C. Numa, J. Nyström, O. Ocaña, N.F. Otero, V. Peña Freire, C. Pergent,  S. Perkol-Finkel, A. Pibot, S. Pinedo, D. Poursanidis, A. Ramos, N.K. Revkov, J-T. Roininen, A. Rosso, J. Ruiz, M. Salomidi, P. Schembri,  T. Shiganov, N. Simboura, M. Sini, C.  Smith, A. Soldo, P. Somerfield, J. Templado, A. Terentyev, T. Thibaut, N. E. Topçu, C. Trigg, R. Turk,  H. Tyler-Walters, L. Tunesi, K. Vera, M. Viera , J. Warzocha, S. Wells, M. Westerbom, S. Wikström, C. Wood, B. Yokes and H. Zibrowius (2016) – European Red List of Habitats: Part 1. Marine habitats. ISBN 978-92-79-61586-3 doi: 10.2779/032638.
  • Bertasi F. (2016). The occurrence of the alien species Polydora cornuta Bosc, 1802 (Polychaeta: Spionidae) in North Adriatic lagoons: an overlooked presence. Italian Journal of Zoology, 83(1):77-88.
  • La Porta B., G. La Porta (2016) – Analisi della dinamica di crescita di popolazioni di Sabellaria alveolatanel Tirreno centrale. Biologia Marina Mediterranea 23 (1): 186-189
  • Bellisario B., Camisa F., Nascetti G., Lattanzi L., Cimmaruta G. (2016) – Spatial and temporal variation of coastal mainland vs. insular amphipod assemblages on Posidonia oceanicaMar. Biod46: 353-363.
  • Camedda A. , Serrentino F., Tedesco C., Olita A., Matiddi M., Vianello A., de Lucia G.A., (2016)-Microlitter density and distribution within the western mediterranean basin Micro 2016 Fate and Impact of Microplastics in the Marine Ecosystems: From the Coastline to the Open Sea. 25-27 May Lanzarote (Spain)
  • Bacci T., Penna M., Rende S. F., Trabucco B., Gennaro P., Bertasi F., Marusso V., Grossi L., Cicero A. M. (2016) – Effects of Costa Concordia shipwreck on epiphytic assemblages and biotic features of Posidonia oceanica Marine Pollution Bulletin 109: 110–116.
  • Lenzi M., M. Persiano, P. Gennaro, F. Rubegni (2016) – Wind Mitigating Action on Effects of Eutrophication in Coastal Eutrophic Water Bodies. International Journal of Marine Science and Ocean Technology, 3(2), 14-20.
  • Targusi M., A. Pazzini, G. Franceschini, B. La Porta, L. Lattanzi, P. La Valle, R. Proietti, D. Paganelli, V. Grande, G. Moschin, F. Foglini, A. Remia, R. Piazza, A. Correggiari, L. Nicoletti (2016) – Segnalazione di nuovi affioramenti rocciosi recentemente rinvenuti in Alto Adriatico. Biologia Marina Mediterranea, 23 (1): 211-212.
  • Martelloni T., Tomassetti P., Gennaro P., Vani D., Persia E., Persiano M., Falchi R., Porrello S., Lenzi M. (2016) – Artificial soft sediment resuspension and high density opportunistic macralgal mat fragmentation as method to increasing sediment zoobenthic assemblahe diversity in an eutrophic lagoon. Marine Pollution Bulletin, 110(1): 212-220.
  • Matiddi M., Romanelli M, Tomassetti P., Vani D., Dulcic J., (2016)New data on the presence of Pomadasys incises (Osteichthyes Haemulidae) in the Tyrrhenian Sea and its role in the local catches.47° SIBM, 13-17 June Torino.
  • Matiddi M., Tornambè A., Silvestri C., Cicero A.M., Magaletti E., (2016)-First evidence of microplastics in the ballast water of commercial ships. Micro 2016 Fate and Impact of Microplastics in the Marine Ecosystems: From the Coastline to the Open Sea. 25-27 May Lanzarote (Spain)
  • Matiddi M., Vani D., Tomassetti P., Camedda A., Zampetti G., Amato E., Alcaro L., Carpentieri S., Di Vito S., Vianello A., de Lucia G.A., (2016)-Microlitter abundance in theItalian minor islands, Central Mediterranean Sea. Micro 2016 Fate and Impact of Microplastics in the Marine Ecosystems: From the Coastline to the Open Sea. 25-27 May Lanzarote (Spain)
  • Piazzi L., D. Balata, F. Bulleri, P. Gennaro, G. Ceccherelli (2016) – The invasion of Caulerpa cylindracea in the Mediterranean: the known, the unknown and the knowable. Marine Biology 163:161. doi: 10.1007/s00227-016-2937-4
  • Sanchez-Perez P., Karakassis J., Massa F., Fezzardi D., Aguilar-Manjarrez J., Soto D., Chapela R., Avila P., Macias J.C., Tomassetti P., Marino G., Borg J.A., Franicevik V., Yucel-Gier G., Fleming I.A., Biao X., Nhhala H., Manza H., Forcada A., Dempster T. (2016) – Aquaculture’s struggle for space: the need for coastal spatial planning and the potential benefits of Allocated Zones for Aquaculture (AZAs) to avoid conflict and promote sustainability. Aquaculture Environmental Interactions, 8: 41-54.
  • Tomassetti P., Gennaro P., Lattanzi L., Mercatali I., Persia E., Vani D., Porrello S. (2016) – Benthic community response to sediment organic enrichment by Mediterranean fish farms: case studies. Aquaculture, 450: 262-272.
  • Werner, S., Budziak, A., van Franeker, J., Galgani, F., Hanke, G., Maes, T., Matiddi, M., Nilsson, P., Oosterbaan, L., Priestland, E., Thompson, R., Veiga, J. and Vlachogianni, T. (2016)-Harm caused by Marine Litter. MSFD GES TG Marine Litter – Thematic Report; JRC Technical report; EUR 28317 EN; doi:10.2788/690366.