Istituto Superiore per la Protezione
e la Ricerca Ambientale


Tasks, resolutions and minutes of the Geological Committee


Geological Committee

The term of office of the Geological Committee, set up by the President of the Council of Ministers Decree No. 239 of 11 October 1993 and No. 253 of 28 October 1995 and subsequent amendments and additions, expired in March 2004.

The new Geological Committee was set up by the decree of the Italian Minister for the Environment of 10 February 2004 at the Soil Defence Department (Dipartimento Difesa del Suolo) as a consulting body. It will remain in office for five years and is formed by:

  • the head of Soil Defence Department of the Environmental Protection Agency (Dipartimento Difesa del Suolo dell’ISPRA) who acts as chairman;
  • by the head of the CARG service, geological mapping and laboratory analysis, of the Soil  Defence Department of the Environmental Protection Agency;
  • by three experts appointed by the Soil Defence Department of the Environmental Protection Agency;
  • by the chairman of the Italian Earth Science Federation;
  • by three experts appointed by the permanent Conference for relations with the State, the regions and autonomous provinces of Trento and Bolzano;
  • by five experts appointed by the Italian Ministry of the Environment.

The following tasks have been assigned to the Geological Committee:

  1. propose programmes and projects on areas and themes of particular relevance for land protection;
  2. within the context of the official geothematic and geological 1:50,000 cartography project (CARG project), undertake to:
    • point out areas and themes of particular interest;
    • express an opinion on work programmes set up by the implementing bodies;
    • express a scientific opinion on the geological data and cartographic outputs for publication;
    • participate, also through single members, in coordination meetings and on-going monitoring activities, also externally, of current projects;
    • propose the drawing-up of regulations for data collection and digitisation and any amendments that may be required during the course of the activities;
  3. provide support, at the request of the Head of the Soil Defence Department of the Environmental Protection Agency, for various activities carried out by the department both at national and international level;
  4. guarantee scientific consultancy for the specific needs of the Soil Defence Department of the Environmental Protection Agency, as well as of the Italian Ministry of the Environment, in the event of prevention and defence measures for natural disasters which – if motivated by urgent situations – may involve the direct consultation of one or more Committee members.


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