Istituto Superiore per la Protezione
e la Ricerca Ambientale


Guidelines for the cartographic representation of the continental Quaternary


Representation of the continental Quaternary

The launch of activities of the Digitisation Work Group (GLI), provided for under the programme agreement drawn up between the National Geological Service (now ISPRA) and the University of Siena, resulted in a series of requests for amendments and additions to the Quaderni, serie III, n. 2 “Geological Map of Italy — 1:50,000. “Cartographic representation guide” and n. 6 “Geological map of Italy — 1:50,000. Geological databank. Guidelines for the digitisation and preparation for publication of databank” relative to quaternary deposits.
As regards the cartographic representation, these requests concerned the following topics:

  • textural distinctions for various types of deposits;
  • colours used for texture area symbols;
  • introduction of new types of deposits;
  • introduction of the concept of depositional environment with relative representation;
  • explanations relative to the use of abbreviations to represent deposits;
  • morphological elements.

The major changes introduced to the Quaderni in response to the requests considered to be valid and therefore accepted – following consultations with the Geological Committee – made it opportune to draw up this summary. These guidelines are to be considered binding for all sheets whose progress report allows ongoing adjustments. Attempts will be made to uniform completed sheets, evaluating whether adjustment is really impossible on a case by case basis. Operators are asked to collaborate fully in order to guarantee CARG project the necessary uniformity at national level. This will require great coordination between adjoining sheets and great efforts on the part of the Area Committees.
All indications included in the guidelines published so far and in the subsequent additions that are not modified by this document shall continue to be valid.