Istituto Superiore per la Protezione
e la Ricerca Ambientale


Elements of geology applied on geological maps at the scale 1:50,000


Applied geology


The realization of the Geological Map of Italy at the scale 1:50.000 is currently based on the survey at the scale 1:10.000 (with differentiation of the outcrop and not outcrop), on the drawing up of the cartography at the scale 1:25.000 and on the relative computerization of the data and, finally, on the preparation and printing of the sheets at the scale 1:50.000.
Since it is a basic geological cartography, during the survey and in the subsequent phase of data processing, emphasis is given to stratigraphic, sedimentological, petrographic, structural, etc.. that constitute the backbone of this cartography, reserving to special geothematic maps the deepening of particular themes (geomorphology, hydrogeology, slope stability, etc.). More strictly applied elements are however foreseen to be collected and represented also on the sheets at the scale 1:50.000. It is no coincidence that in the Quaderno, series III, n. 1 of the National Geological Survey there is the specific chapter 5 "Guidelines and implementation criteria in the survey of technical geological map elements", in the "Symbology" of the same Quaderno and in the symbol library of the Quaderno, series III, n. 2, there are indicated how to represent landslides, quarries, mines, drillings, springs, etc.. Also the following integrations to these Quaderni have often had for object elements of technical geology or directly connected to it.
On the other hand, the slow progress of the CARG Project has meant that the resources, human and financial, were mainly concentrated in the basic geological cartography, making the ten or so geo-thematic sheets under construction take on an "experimental" character. Also for this reason it has become pregnant the need to acquire elements of technical geology from the very beginning of the basic geological cartography.
This document is therefore intended to encourage, as already provided for by existing regulations (see above), the collection of application data, their representation on the sheets at the scale 1:50,000 and their description in the Explanatory Notes, without forgetting what is provided for in the Quaderno, series III, n. 6 and subsequent additions and changes with regard to the database.


Related documents

Quaderno n. 1 - "Geological map of Italy at the scale 1:50.000. Guide to the survey". General indications

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