Istituto Superiore per la Protezione
e la Ricerca Ambientale


Coordination committees


The following coordination committees for homogeneous geological areas have been created within the Geological Committee:

  • Central, Eastern and Western Alps (coord. Dr. Marco Pantaloni-ISPRA)
  • Po Valley (coord. Dr. Raffaele Pignone- Region of Emilia-Romagna; Dr. Maurizio D’Orefice - ISPRA)
  • Northern Apennines (coord. Dr.ssa Chiara D’Ambrogi - ISPRA)
  • Central Apennines (coord. Dr. Franco Capotorti- ISPRA)
  • Southern Apennines (coord. Dr.ssa Rinalda Di Stefano-ISPRA)
  • Sicily and Calabrian-Peloritan Arc (coord. Dr. Roberto Bonomo-ISPRA)
  • Sardinia (coord. Prof. Piero Manetti-University of Florence; Dr.ssa Maria Letizia Pampaloni – ISPRA).

The committee activities are described in the minutes drawn up for their meetings.