Istituto Superiore per la Protezione
e la Ricerca Ambientale


Nature and Biodiversity

Forgotten fruits and recovered biodiversity. The fruit and vine germoplasm of traditional Italian agriculture. Case studies: Marche and Tuscany
The volume, tenth and last in the series dedicated to the study of some of the Italian fruit varieties, deals with the case studies of Marche and Tuscany. For both regions, in the initial chapters, historical notes are provided relating to fruit growing, agricultural landscape, and the various initiatives aimed at the recovery, protection and valorisation of genetic resources still present in the form of fruit varieties that are rarely grown and at risk of disappearing.
Booklets   19 / 2024
Mycological biodiversity and its knowledge. Fungi between innovation and tradition
This book of the “Nature and Biodiversity” series is the result of an agreement between ISPRA, ARPA Umbria, the University of Perugia and the Perugino Naturalistic Mycological Center stipulated in 2021.
Booklets   18 / 2022
Biocides and the precautionary principle for the control of the Asian tiger mosquito (Aades albopictus)
The growing attention of citizens with respect to exposure to chemicals has prompted ISPRA to investigate the issue of biocidal products, in particular the use against the tiger mosquito, an insect well known for its widespread adaptation in our cities.  
Booklets   17 / 2022
Bees and sustainable agriculture
Animal pollinators, in particular bees, are of great importance in supporting structure, composition and functioning of natural and semi-natural habitats, including farmlands and peri-urban contexts. Almost 90% of the wild plants that bloom and over 75% of the main existing agricultural crops require animal pollination in terms of production, yield and product quality. Managed as well as solitary bees thus guarantee fundamental support for human society and activities.
Booklets   16 / 2021
Memoirs of the "Fungi Special Project"
This collection “Memories of the Fungi Special Project” is part of the ISPRA Notebooks dedicated to Nature and Biodiversity. It contains five volumes whose texts were elaborated, drafted and concluded before August 2019
Booklets   15 / 2020
Forgotten fruits and recovered biodiversity. The germplasm of wine and fruits of traditional Italian agriculture. Case Studies: Umbria and Liguria
Booklets   14 / 2020
Forests and Biodiversity. Too precious to lose. The answers to the most frequently asked questions
2020 has been referred to as a “Nature Super Year” by United Nations with the goal it could be the year where we turn the tide on deforestation and forestry loss.
Booklets   13 / 2020
The decline of bees and pollinators. The answers to the most frequently asked questions
Almost 90% of the wild flowering plants and over 75% of the main agricultural crops require animal pollination for production, yield and quality of the produces. They are essential for human and (wild and domesticated) animal nutrition, but also for the production of fibers, building materials and biomass for energy, and support for the conservation of biological diversity, which represents the basis of our existence and our economies.
Booklets   2020
Forgotten fruits and recovered biodiversity. The germplasm of wine and fruits of traditional Italian agriculture. Case studies: Campania and Veneto
Booklets   11 / 2019
Atlas of breeding birds in Decima Malafede Natural Reserve
Booklets   9 / 2018
Forgotten fruits and recovered biodiversity. The germplasm of wine and fruits of traditional Italian agriculture. Case Studies: Basilicata and Valle D’Aosta
Booklets   10 / 2018
Forgotten fruits and recovered biodiversity. The germplasm of wine and fruits of traditional Italian agriculture. Case Study: Lazio and Abruzzo
Booklets   8 / 2017
Forgotten fruits and recovered biodiversity. The germplasm of wine and fruits of traditional Italian agriculture. Case Study: Piemonte and Sardegna
Booklets   7 / 2015
Forgotten Fruits and recovered biodiversity - The wine and fruit germoplasm of traditional Italian agriculture. Case study: Molise, Friuli Venezia Giulia
Booklets   6 / 2014
Forgotten Fruits and recovered biodiversity. The wine and fruit germplasm of traditional Italian agriculture. Case study: Islands of Sicily, Lombardy
Booklets   5 / 2013
Program RE MO. National monitoring network on soil biodiversity and land degradation.
Booklets   4 / 2012
Forgotten fruits and biodiversity recovered. The fruit germplasm of Italian traditional agricultures. Case studies: Calabria, Trentino Alto Adige
Booklets   3 / 2012
Analysis of the status and distribution of birds of prey nesting in Lazio
Booklets   2 / 2012
Forgotten fruits and biodiversity recovered the fruit germoplasm of Italian traditional agricultures case-studies: Puglia and Emilia Romagna
Booklets   1 / 2010
Red and Blue lists of Italian flora
Booklets   2001