Istituto Superiore per la Protezione
e la Ricerca Ambientale


Events and News

The European Night of Researchers returns on 27 and 28 September: the 2024 edition of NET - scieNcE Together
The European Night of Researchers returns on 27 and 28 September: the 2024 edition of NET - scieNcE Together
Sep 27, 2024 — Sep 28, 2024

The 2024 edition of the European Night of Researchers is dedicated to Maria Skłodowska Curie, a pioneer in the field of radioactivity.

A journey into science that celebrates the first person in history to win two Nobel Prizes through workshops, events and shows organized in Italy and abroad by twelve national research bodies and universities with the NET - scieNcE Together project.

Launch Event: AQuaBioS - The sea farm: for organic and sustainable aquaculture
Launch Event: AQuaBioS - The sea farm: for organic and sustainable aquaculture
Sep 12, 2024 10:00 AM — Sep 12, 2024 04:30 PM ISPRA Livorno, via del Cedro 38

The launch event of AQuaBioS, the sea farm: for organic and sustainable aquaculture (INTERREG ITALIA – FRANCE MARITTIMO 2021 – 2027) will be held on Thursday 12 September from 10:00 am at the ISPRA headquarters in Livorno.

The AQuaBioS project promotes the development of sustainable aquaculture through the creation of a network between research centers and companies in the sector, based on the use of the natural food chain for the feeding, growth and reproduction of marine organisms of business interest, naturalistic and scientific.

Summer school of Geomorphology, Ecology and Biology in marine and insular environments
Summer school of Geomorphology, Ecology and Biology in marine and insular environments
Sep 09, 2024 — Sep 14, 2024

ISPRA, in collaboration with the Department of Engineering and Geology of the “G. d'Annunzio" of Chieti-Pescara and the Department of Earth Sciences of Sapienza, University of Rome, organize the V Summer School of Geomorphology, Ecology and Biology in marine and insular environments - Asinara Island, 9-14 September 2024 with the patronage of the Italian Geological Society and its Marine Geology Section, of the Italian Association of Geomorphology (AIGEO), of the Asinara National Park, of the “Isola dell'Asinara” Marine Protected Area and of the Municipality of Porto Torre

Field activities have started to update the analyzes of marine sediments in the Augusta Bay
Field activities have started to update the analyzes of marine sediments in the Augusta Bay
Sep 05, 2024

Field activities began on Monday 2 September aimed at updating the concentrations of contaminants beyond which it will be necessary to provide interventions for the recovery of marine sediments in the Augusta Bay.
ARPA Sicilia, with the coordination of ISPRA, is proceeding with the sampling of marine sediments from the seabed of the important site of Sicilian national interest.
The operations are carried out within the framework of the Agreement between the Sicilian Region, the Ministry of the Environment and Energy Security and ISPRA which sees - in addition to the participation of the staff of the "Oceanography and Nautical Vessels" Organizational Unit of ARPA Sicily - the operational and CNR - Institute for the study of anthropogenic impacts and sustainability in the marine environment (IAS-CNR) and the Istituto Superiore di Sanità (ISS).
The detailed operational plan in fact involves the determination of the various parameters of interest present in the sediments, but also the study of the transfer of contaminants in marine organisms through specific scientific fishing campaigns and the monitoring of filter-feeding organisms such as bivalve molluscs (mussel watch).

PNRR WED – Complete mapping of the italian coast and coastal habitats launch of the WebGis platform – Cloud
PNRR WED – Complete mapping of the italian coast and coastal habitats launch of the WebGis platform – Cloud
Aug 09, 2024

The PNRR MER project is an ambitious initiative that aims to map the entire Italian coast in detail, both the emerged and submerged parts. The project's coverage area extends up to 800 meters landward and up to 50 meters depth at sea, including the boundaries of marine protected areas and Natura 2000 sites.

A crucial element of the project is the development of a WebGIS – Cloud platform, currently in beta version, which allows access to the collected data and real-time monitoring of mapping activities.

Marine alien species - CapSenHAR project
Marine alien species - CapSenHAR project
Aug 05, 2024

The biodiversity of the Mediterranean Sea is constantly evolving, colonized by expanding species that arrive through natural corridors, such as the Strait of Gibraltar, and by non-indigenous or alien species that are introduced through anthropogenic activities such as maritime traffic, aquaculture and the aquarium hobby or which arrive through artificial corridors such as the Suez Canal. The success of new species may be favored by climate change and/or altered environmental conditions. Some of these may become invasive and pose a threat to the environment, cause damage to the economy or represent a danger to human health.

PNRR MER - Integral mapping of the Italian coast and coastal habitats. Intervention A16-A18 and coastline
PNRR MER - Integral mapping of the Italian coast and coastal habitats. Intervention A16-A18 and coastline
Aug 02, 2024

The PNRR MER project aims to fully map the Italian coast, both the emerged and submerged parts. The area covered includes the coast up to 800 meters towards land and up to 50 meters deep at sea, extending to the borders of marine protected areas and Natura 2000 sites.

The mapping of coastal habitats is carried out via aerial flights equipped with Topographic LiDAR sensors, which create a 3D "digital atlas" of the Italian coast. This survey, which covers 7,500 km of coastline, will provide useful data for the analysis and protection of species and habitats.

The detection takes place with a specific Topographic LiDAR sensor mounted on an aircraft, flying at an average altitude of 2,800 meters. The images collected will be used to model the coast and support habitat protection and coastal defense strategies. The campaign is already underway in several regions of Liguria, Toscana, Lazio and Campania and the data will be available starting from autumn 2024.

The project aims to strengthen the monitoring of Italian marine and coastal ecosystems, providing detailed information on the morphology of the coast and supporting decisions for the protection of coastal infrastructure.

Photo gallery


LIFE Conceptu Maris - LIFE project of the month on the MASE website
LIFE Conceptu Maris - LIFE project of the month on the MASE website
Jul 31, 2024

IFE Conceptu Maris: CONservation of CEtaceans and Pelagic sea TUrtles in Med: Managing Actions for their Recovery In Sustainability”

With their movements in the open sea in the Mediterranean, cetaceans and sea turtles find themselves dealing with a growing number of threats, including plastic pollution, maritime traffic and commercial fishing.

Marine alien species - CapSenHAR project
Marine alien species - CapSenHAR project
Jul 29, 2024

The biodiversity of the Mediterranean Sea is constantly evolving, colonized by expanding species that arrive through natural corridors, such as the Strait of Gibraltar, and by non-indigenous or alien species that are introduced through anthropogenic activities such as maritime traffic, aquaculture and the aquarium hobby or which arrive through artificial corridors such as the Suez Canal. The success of new species may be favored by climate change and/or altered environmental conditions. Some of these may become invasive and pose a threat to the environment, cause damage to the economy or represent a danger to human health.

More than 400 nests of Caretta Caretta marine turtle in Italy
More than 400 nests of Caretta Caretta marine turtle in Italy
Jul 25, 2024

To date more than 400 nests of Caretta Caretta marine turtles have been observed in Italy, mainly in Sicily, Calabria, Campania and Apulia Region. The activities of beach patrolling looking for traces and turtle nests are going on by hundreds of volunteers. Once identified, the nests are made safe to be protected against damages. These activities require significant time and efforts but are well rewarded by the great emotion aroused with the hatching of eggs. Life TURTLENEST Project of which ISPRA is a partner has signed more than 100 Memoranda of Understanding with administrations and protected areas interested in the adoption of indications provided by Legambiente, project coordinator, for a responsible management of beaches as potential nesting areas.

Beached Posidonia, sustainable methods for active management
Beached Posidonia, sustainable methods for active management
Jul 24, 2024 — Jul 24, 2024 Castellabate

The national workshop on the topic of management of beached Posidonia oceanica entitled will be held on Wednesday 24 July 2024 at the headquarters of the Cilento Vallo Diano and Alburni National Park in Castellabate. “Beached Posidonia, sustainable methods for active management”. Participating in the event are the beneficiaries of the LIFE SeaForest project "Posidonia meadows as carbon sinks of the Mediterranean", but also public institutions, scientific research and the business world, which in various capacities have developed experiences on this topic.

The project PNRR MER in the Italian Tv channel TG1
The project PNRR MER in the Italian Tv channel TG1
Jul 19, 2024 — Jul 19, 2024

The Director General of ISPRA, Maria Siclari, was a guest this morning on TG1 to talk about the activities of the MER - Marine Ecosystem Restoration Project.

MER is the largest project on the sea as part of the National Recovery and Resilience Plan, which sees ISPRA as the implementing body and the Ministry for the Environment and Energy Security as the administration in charge of the 400 million Euro financing for 2022- 2026. The MER provides for interventions for the restoration and protection of the seabed and marine habitats, the strengthening of the national observation system of marine and coastal ecosystems and the mapping of coastal and marine habitats of conservation interest in Italian waters with the acquisition of a new naval oceanographic unit, equipped with highly technological equipment capable of probing the seabed up to 4000 m and very high resolution acoustic instrumentation.


Alien species in our seas
Alien species in our seas
Jul 15, 2024

The biodiversity of the Mediterranean Sea is constantly evolving, colonized by range-expanding species that arrive through natural corridors, such as the Strait of Gibraltar, and by non-indigenous species or alien species that are introduced by anthropic activities or arrive through artificial corridors such as the Suez passage; some of these species can also be dangerous to human health as they are toxic for consumption or poisonous on contact.

In order to provide support to sea users for the recognition of new species potentially observable and fishable in our seas, including those dangerous to human health, a new booklet has been created, an updated version of the 2021 edition.

Any reports that will be sent to researchers will also contribute to monitoring the distribution and spread of these species in our waters.

Ministerial Conference of the G7 Science and Technology "Health and coastal resilience of the Mediterranean and the Atlantic Ocean"
Ministerial Conference of the G7 Science and Technology "Health and coastal resilience of the Mediterranean and the Atlantic Ocean"
Jul 11, 2024 — Jul 11, 2024 Bologna

The ministerial conference of the G7 Science and Technology entitled "Health and coastal resilience of the Mediterranean and the Atlantic Ocean" took place on 11 July in the spaces of the Tecnopolo of Bologna.
The event, organized by the Ministry of University and Research in concert with the European Commission as part of the Italian Presidency of the G7, turned the spotlight on the topic of health and resilience to extreme climate events in the coastal environments of the macro-region Mediterranean and Atlantic.

From marine plankton, microorganisms capable of degrading bioplastics
From marine plankton, microorganisms capable of degrading bioplastics
Jul 08, 2024

For the first time, thanks to the collaboration with the University of Pisa (Departments of Civil and Industrial Engineering and Biology), Aquarium-Costa Edutainment S.p.A, Azienda Servizi Ambientali ASA SpA of Livorno, Zhejiang Ocean University (ZJOU) and the joint Sino-Italian Laboratory ZJOU-ISPRA, it has been demonstrated that the microbiome associated with plankton, reared in the ISPRA laboratories, is able to metabolise plastics used in the marine environment, in a relatively short time and at ambient temperature. These encouraging results lead to new hypotheses for the biotechnological utilisation of marine plankton, particularly in the fight against bioplastic pollution and the transformation of contaminated marine matrices (bioremediation).

International Mediterranean Sea Day
International Mediterranean Sea Day
Jul 08, 2024 — Jul 08, 2024

The Mediterranean is a sea of ​​wonders, history, culture and beauty to be protected and enhanced: a heritage that is celebrated on 8 July through an International Day. With the PNRR's MER (Marine Ecosystem Restoration) project, ISPRA is building a laboratory to map, restore and protect one of the richest - and most fragile - marine ecosystems on our planet with the aim of safeguarding its biodiversity and handing it over to future generations .
The mapping of coastal habitats is already being developed thanks to the LiDAR sensor, one of the pillars on which this program is based which intends to trace the seabed on 7,500 km of coast, surveying over 70 seamounts and investigating remote and unknown areas.
Another highlight: the new oceanographic vessel, the result of joint work carried out thanks to the precious collaboration with the Navy, which will be able to carry out monitoring activities in deep waters.
To support monitoring activities, ISPRA is building the Mobile Oceanographic Research Unit (UMRO), a sentinel van, to monitor the state of the sea, the field of surface currents and measurement of the depth of the coastal seabed.
The strengthening of sea level measuring stations in the lagoons of Venice and Marano Grado is also underway to predict extreme events and support coastal risk management.
All data collected will be accessible through an information platform, allowing mitigation measures to be planned to address the challenges posed by climate change in the Mediterranean Sea

Objective 30x30 - Protect 30 percent of Italian seas by 2030
Objective 30x30 - Protect 30 percent of Italian seas by 2030
Jul 05, 2024 — Jul 05, 2024 Genova

"Mare Caldo" the new report by Greenpeace Italia presented

The results of the report were presented this morning in Genoa, on board the Greenpeace ship Arctic Sunrise, during the conference “Objective 30x30 - Protect 30 percent of Italian seas by 2030” organized as part of the “There is di mezzo il mare”, on the eve of International Mediterranean Sea Day which will take place on 8 July.

Sea Essence International Festival
Sea Essence International Festival
Jun 28, 2024 — Jun 30, 2024 Marciana Marina

Sea Essence International Festival, the international festival dedicated to the protection and valorization of the sea and its essence, will be held in Marciana Marina from 28 to 30 June.
This year's edition is dedicated to the theme of "Connections" in all its forms: cultural, environmental, economic and social.

The monk seal in the Tuscan Archipelago: past and present
The monk seal in the Tuscan Archipelago: past and present
Jun 27, 2024 09:30 PM — Jun 27, 2024 11:30 PM Isola d'Elba, Biodola

As part of the "La natura al centro" Festival, a conference dedicated to the monk seal in the Tuscan Archipelago will be held on 27 June.
ISPRA researchers will illustrate the characteristics of this rare marine mammal, of which fewer than 700 specimens survive in the wild, which in recent years has returned to the waters of the Archipelago.

The evolution of Italian beaches in ISPRA monitoring of the coastal strip
The evolution of Italian beaches in ISPRA monitoring of the coastal strip
Jun 26, 2024 09:00 AM — Jun 26, 2024 01:30 PM Rome, ISPRA, Via V. Brancati, 48 - online su youtube

The coastal structure in the updating of the ISPRA information layers dedicated to beaches

A fundamental element for the planning and management of coastlines is the knowledge of long-term coastal evolution, due to the action of the sea, anthropic activity and climate change. The Italian coastal strip plays a strategic role for the socio-economic development of the country.

The constant monitoring of the evolution of the natural and anthropic elements that determine the Italian coastal structure by ISPRA through the updating of the digitalisation and environmental characterization of the national coasts allows us to have a constantly updated picture of the Italian coastal system.

On 26 June during the event entitled "The evolution of Italian beaches in ISPRA monitoring of the coastal strip" the update of the information layers dedicated to beaches will be presented, an important step in understanding the evolution of the beach resource.

Press release and graphs


Sea and lakes: 95% of Italian bathing waters are excellent
Sea and lakes: 95% of Italian bathing waters are excellent
Jun 21, 2024

The excellence of Italian bathing waters will also be confirmed in 2024. On the basis of the monitoring activities of the National Environmental Protection System, the classification of the stretches of coast used for bathing has been updated. The results show that 5,090 km of marine stretches (95.6% of the monitored coast) are included in the "excellent" quality class, the highest foreseen by the European classification system. If we also add the sections with a "good" classification (153 kilometres, equal to 2.9% of the total) we arrive at 98.5%. Furthermore, 32 km (0.6%) fall into the "sufficient" quality class, 44 km into "poor" quality (0.8%).

Strategy for the marine environment. Public consultation 2024
Strategy for the marine environment. Public consultation 2024
Jun 16, 2024

On 14 June 2024, in implementation of the art. 16 of Legislative Decree 190/2010, the public consultation has been opened for the update of the Environmental Assessment, the definition of Good Environmental Status (GES) and the definition of the Environmental Goals (Targets) of the Marine Strategy Directive (Directive 2008 /56/EC) referred to in articles. 8, 9 and 10 of Legislative Decree 190/2010, for each of the 11 Descriptors of the Marine Strategy, prepared by the Ministry of the Environment and Energy Security with the technical-scientific support of ISPRA, as well involving other central and local Administrations represented in the Technical Committee referred to in article 5 of Legislative Decree 190/2010.

I° Blue Economy Forum
I° Blue Economy Forum
Jun 13, 2024 09:00 AM — Jun 13, 2024 01:00 PM Rome/online

Towards the development of the marine economy that safeguards biodiversity

As part of the European Life Sea.Net project, the first Legambiente Blue Economy Forum will be held in Rome on 13 June.

The Blue Economy fuels the green transition in Europe thanks to the development of industries and sectors linked to the oceans, seas and coasts. Sustainable fishing, renewable energy, but also aquaculture and tourism contribute to the objectives of the European Green Deal for an efficient and competitive economy that guarantees the reduction of greenhouse gas emissions and the protection of natural capital.

Survey on the promotion of marine sciences and our relationship with the sea
Survey on the promotion of marine sciences and our relationship with the sea
Jun 06, 2024

The European association EuroGOOS, which brings together 48 bodies that manage monitoring networks for the collection of data relating to the physical, chemical and biological characteristics of seas and oceans and of which ISPRA is also a member, has launched a survey to survey the various Ocean Literacy initiatives.

World Oceans Day: Know, Understand, Coexist
World Oceans Day: Know, Understand, Coexist
Jun 06, 2024 — Jun 08, 2024 Palermo

On the occasion of World Oceans Day (WOD) the National Institute of Geophysics and Volcanology organizes the event "World Oceans Day: Knowing, Understanding, Living"

The event will take place in Palermo, Rome and Lerici and will have a science and art format to guide participants in an experience capable of sparking connections with the natural environment, allowing them to learn more about the ocean and understand how to actively contribute to its conservation.

On 28 and 29 May the RAMOGEPol anti-pollution exercise took place off the coast of Viareggio
On 28 and 29 May the RAMOGEPol anti-pollution exercise took place off the coast of Viareggio
May 28, 2024 — May 29, 2024 Viareggio

Organized by MASE as part of the RAMOGE agreement with France and the Principality of Monaco. Pollution in the sea will be simulated with natural substances; involved satellites, drones, air-naval vehicles.

The Ministry of the Environment and Energy Security has organized an international anti-pollution exercise called RAMOGEPol “Versiliana 2024” off the coast of May 28 and 29, as part of the RAMOGE agreement between Italy, France and the Principality of Monaco. of Viareggio, in close collaboration with the Ramoge Secretariat and the Coast Guard.

The goal is to test with organization, coordination and readiness to respond to pollution. For this reason, numerous national and international actors will be involved and the most advanced technologies and response means will be used: satellites, drones, ships, planes and helicopters specialized in anti-pollution activities, for a total of twenty-two means.

ISPRA at FORUM PA 2024: PNRR MER, DIGITAP and focus on environmental education
ISPRA at FORUM PA 2024: PNRR MER, DIGITAP and focus on environmental education
May 21, 2024 — May 22, 2024 Rome, Palazzo dei Congressi

On 21 and 22 May ISPRA participates in FORUM PA, as part of two events organized in collaboration with MASE.
On May 21, ISPRA experts will present the PNRR MER and DIGITAP projects in the talk on the summary framework of the PNRR tools by MASE.
On May 22, ISPRA experts will present the Institute's initiatives aimed at schools and new generations in the talk "It depends from us: culture and awareness of environmental challenges"

The ISPRA/National Observatory for the Protection of the Sea convention has been signed to develop  awareness  activities related the Italian coasts and seas
The ISPRA/National Observatory for the Protection of the Sea convention has been signed to develop awareness activities related the Italian coasts and seas
May 15, 2024 — May 15, 2024 Rome, ISPRA headquarter

The Director General of ISPRA Maria Siclari and the President of the National Observatory for the Protection of the Sea (ONTM APS) Roberto Minerdo have signed a Convention, lasting two years, with the aim of promoting technological research and raising awareness on theme of the defense of coasts, ecosystems and marine biodiversity, to enhance the Italian natural heritage and for the development of socioeconomic models in the New Blue Economy.

In particular, ISPRA as implementing body and within the PNRR MER - Marine Ecosystem Restoration Project, deals with the restoration and protection of the seabed and marine habitats, the integral mapping of the Italian coast, coastal habitats and deep habitats present in the seamounts of Italian marine waters, the strengthening of the observation networks of fixed monitoring stations, all this through the implementation of 37 overall interventions.

The Observatory is committed to disseminating, raising awareness and studying issues relating to New Blue Economy sectors, with particular reference to the areas of energy production (offshore wind and photovoltaic, geothermal energy...) and the development of coastal and cruise tourism and Green Defense for the implementation of the Nature Restoration Law in the community context.

Workshop PANACEA project
Workshop PANACEA project
May 03, 2024 — May 03, 2024 Pisa

The workshop on the PANACEA Project - Posidonia monitoring Activities for the conservation of the NAtural Coastal Environment using Autonomous robots financed by the European Union will be held on 3 May in Pisa. The day is divided into three sections: relevance of Posidonia oceanica, monitoring and technological aspects for marine environmental monitoring.

New techniques for the 3D mapping of species and habitats of conservation interest and for the mapping of shipwrecks of historical interest
New techniques for the 3D mapping of species and habitats of conservation interest and for the mapping of shipwrecks of historical interest
May 02, 2024

ISPRA and the Underwater Carabinieri of Rome and Messina are experimenting with new techniques for the 3D mapping of species and habitats of conservation interest and for the mapping of wrecks of historical interest. The experimentation, carried out as part of the Ma.Ro.Ma "Marine Remote Mapping" project, underway in the Capo Rizzuto Marine Protected Area, is aimed at developing new methodological protocols to support the monitoring of MPAs.