Istituto Superiore per la Protezione
e la Ricerca Ambientale


Guidelines for Continental Quartenary mapping


Continental Quartenary mapping

One of the innovative features of the 1:50,000 geological cartography project (CARG project) is the importance accorded to plio-quaternary continental deposits (hereinafter reference will be made to the Quaternary only) in mapping and cartographic representation. This project considers quaternary deposits – traditionally considered by geology as merely covering up the underlying rocks – at par with the substratum. This approach is already apparent in the "Mapping guide for the 1:50,000 Geological map of Italy" – Quaderno, serie III, n. 1, which dedicates a separate chapter to the mapping of quaternary continental successions. Moreover, the CARG project quaternary mapping encounters the difficulties arising from the absence, in many cases, of an adequate geological culture and of sufficient cartographic experience, at least at national level.
These aspects have led, on the one hand, to the poor quality of various cartographic products available today, and on the other hand to confusion at regulatory level and to the lack of precise guidelines providing operators with univocal indications. In fact, some sheet legends are drawn up using lithostratigraphic criteria, while other ones using allostratigraphic terminology and yet other ones using "Unconformity-bounded stratigraphic units" (UBSU). I
In some cases, different stratigraphic criteria have been used in adjoining sheets, revealing a complete lack of coordination. The aim of this document is to take stock of the situation after ten years of cartographic studies and production. To this end, a meeting was held with several experts in Quaternary geology and stratigraphy and with various members of the Geological Committee to discuss various problems involved in mapping quaternary deposits and search for possible solutions. Following the meeting, a series of guidelines was drawn up with the aim of dealing with Quaternary-related problems in a clear homogeneous manner at national level.
These guidelines are to be considered binding for all sheets whose progress report allows ongoing adjustments. Attempts will be made to uniform completed sheets, evaluating whether adjustment is really impossible on a case by case basis. Operators are asked to collaborate fully in order to guarantee CARG project the necessary uniformity at national level. This will require great coordination between adjoining sheets and great efforts on the part of the Area Committees.
All indications included in the guidelines published so far and in the subsequent additions that are not modified by this document shall continue to be valid.