Istituto Superiore per la Protezione
e la Ricerca Ambientale


CARG Project - Geologic and geothematic cartography


The CARG (Geological CARtography) project launched in 1988 involves the creation of 652 geological and geothematic sheets on a scale of 1:50,000 covering the entire national area.

As of today, a total of € 81,259,000.00 state funding has been allocated for the realisation of 257 sheets – equivalent to 40% of the total cartographic coverage.

The Project involves over 60 structures including Local Bodies, CNR (Italian Research Centre) bodies, University Departments and Institutes, as well as the Regions and Autonomous Provinces whose financial contribution will supply the resources required for the continuing production of the geological sheets.

The Project involves the creation of a database supplying more detailed geological and geothematic maps enabling cartographic data to be used for many different purposes. It will provide the cognitive tools – geological data – required for proper territorial planning and management and, in particular, for the prevention, reduction and mitigation of hydrogeological risk.

This section contains all the information necessary for the realisation of the Project.

The geological sheets are on sale at ISPRA and can also be consulted at ISPRA Library.