Istituto Superiore per la Protezione
e la Ricerca Ambientale


Morphological elements


To the forms of accumulation already provided for in the Quaderno, serie III, n. 2 and subsequent additions and modifications - terminal or lateral moraine cordon, rock glacier, debris-flow, debris cone, alluvial and debris-flow cone - is added the possibility to represent also the cone of mixed origin: debris-flow and/or torrential and/or avalanche.

The morphological elements will be represented in paper always superimposed to the corresponding deposit. In particular:

  • The rock glacier symbol will be superimposed to the slope deposit or glacial deposits (till).
  • The symbol of detritus cone will be superimposed on the slope deposit or on the detritus.
  • The alluvial and debris-flow cone symbol will be superimposed on the alluvial and fluvioglacial deposit or debris-flow deposit.
  • The mixed origin conoid will be superimposed on the mixed origin deposit.


  • The torrential cone is assimilated to the alluvial cone and therefore represented with the same symbol.
  • The avalanche cone will be represented with the symbol of debris-flow cone superimposed to the cryonival deposit.

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