Istituto Superiore per la Protezione
e la Ricerca Ambientale



With regard to tectonics, it should first be noted that the enormous progress made by structural geology since the 1980s makes the model of treatment of the topic in the explanatory notes of the previous sheets at the scale 1:100,000 and 1:50,000 completely inadequate. In the Explanatory Notes of the new sheets must be described the general structural arrangement, geometry and kinematics of the present structures, with particular attention to the main tectonic elements and, if possible, the evolution and succession of the deformation phases. Not to be omitted is the display of mesostructural data, also in the form of diagrams.
The subject can be treated by geographical sectors, by tectonic units, in particular cases and if considered useful for application purposes by lithological classes, differentiating fragile from ductile deformations, etc.. In the case of treatment by tectonic units, these must obviously be the same as those reported in the structural scheme and in the legend of the sheet, taking care to make the order of exposure coincide with the order of tectonic overlapping, similarly to what indicated for the Stratigraphy.
In any case, the data must be kept well separated from the interpretations; the latter must be consistent with the available data and compared with the various models existing in the literature. If geophysical and survey data are available (especially if unpublished), their exposure is recommended, also in the form of profiles, excerpts of maps, sections, etc..
Not to be omitted are the aspects related to neotectonics and, more generally, tectonic study in seismic areas. The importance of the topic may deserve a separate discussion in a separate chapter.